Jan Bohmermann The police are investigating quotreal magazinequot Moderator t

Jan Böhmermann: The police are investigating "real magazine" Moderator t online

Police are investigating content that may have been illegally obtained for ZDF’s “Magazine Royale” program. Jan Böhmermann was exposed – and reacted.

The Cologne police have opened an investigation against the TV satirist Jan Böhmermann. A spokesperson confirmed this at the request of the media magazine “Clap”. The investigation was preceded by an anonymous report to the authorities that the ZDF program “Magazin Royale” from September 8, 2023, was broadcasting content that may have been obtained in a criminally relevant way.

So, at the end of June, Böhmermann smuggled an employee with a false title into an online training course reserved exclusively for doctors, psychotherapists and psychologists. As part of his participation, he pledged to keep the contents of the seminar confidential through an electronic signature—but later announced that he would make them public as part of the broadcast.

Böhmermann examines the psychotherapist

The theme of the edition is: “Ritual violence”. The broadcaster’s announcement continues: “It is said to be based, for example, on satanic cults that use brutal rituals to control the personalities of their victims. ” This refers to Michaela Huber, who became the focus of the show. The work of the renowned “psychological psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer in trauma treatment” was closely examined by Böhmermann.

Research has now apparently provided the motive for the investigation. “We registered with our real names for a Michaela Huber seminar – and we paid,” the satirist explained on the program and confirmed: “We were reported.

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State security is said to be involved

As Huber works, among other things, with people who are in witness protection programs – for example, those who have left organized crime or cults – she enjoys special protection, according to “Clap”. In parallel with the police investigation, state security would have intervened and initiated proceedings against Böhmermann to avert the danger.

ZDF and the “Magazin Royale” team were informed about this a few days ago – without any reaction. It is not known whether the content was later adapted. Jan Böhmermann is said to have an “exclusivity contract with special freedoms” that prohibits ZDF from intervening in the program content. In Friday’s edition, the moderator was unimpressed with the investigation and joked: “If a crazy injunction doesn’t come at least once a month, the director will be on my tail.”