Western Festival a flying start – Le Nouvelliste

Western Festival: a “flying” start – Le Nouvelliste

The Tim McGraw effect was already felt on Friday. According to organizing committee chair Nadia Moreau, the country star’s performance, which was a first for Saint-Tite and even Quebec, attracted crowds of festival-goers who usually arrive the next day.

“It was a great spectacle in an intimate setting. And when it took place yesterday (Thursday), many people came to the city. We had a very busy Thursday evening and today (Friday) it almost feels like a Saturday afternoon,” she says happily.

“It’s off to a flying start in the truest sense of the word.”

— Nadia Moreau, President of the Organizing Committee

If there was a risk of rain or even thunderstorms in Saint-Tite on Friday, the weekend promises to be cloudy but not rainy, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada. The start of the festival also coincides with the end of the heat wave that has hit Quebec all week. All the better for the festival goers… but not for the poor volunteers who worked under the blazing sun.

Nadia Moreau, President of the Organizing Committee of the Saint-Tite Western Festival.

“I’ve seen them set up the sites with soaked vests and sweat on their foreheads… the temperature wasn’t ideal for that. But we endured the heat rather than the rain. We won’t be picky, but it’s okay that less hot weather is forecast, especially for Sunday’s parade. It wouldn’t have been easy, especially with so many people on the street,” comments Ms. Moreau.

The latter also promises a memorable parade, even if it cannot be compared to those of previous editions.

“It’s a parade that wants to be important but also colourful, with lots of entertainment.” I wanted us to restore the parade’s nobility, and I think that will be the case. “I expect a very, very nice parade,” she emphasizes.

Cowboys on horseback… and on stage

Among the other must-sees of the weekend we remember the Cowboys Fringants show on Saturday night at Desjardins Country Club, an event that has been sold out for quite some time. It must be said that singer Karl Tremblay’s health condition has led to the cancellation of some of the group’s performances this summer. Let’s be assured: everything points to Saturday actually happening.

Also on Saturday is the Canada Cup Rodeo and a bull jumping demonstration – also sold out, in the early afternoon. The next day, the final of the Canada Wrangler Cup can be seen here in the late afternoon.

Dance lovers can attend the Quebec Dance Schools show on Saturday at 5 p.m. in the saloon.

Tributes to Gilles Gignac

With its extensive program, the festival will take the time to pay tribute to Gilles Gignac, who died suddenly at the end of July. Mr. Gignac has been involved in the event for decades and has been President of the Board since 2019.

“On Saturday afternoon, Gilles’ family will be presented with a champion’s buckle in the ring at the opening of the rodeo. A prayer is also said in his name during the festival. There are various references that we wanted to make him, because when he is not there to see it, he worked very hard on the 55th edition and spent a lot of time on the organization, points out Ms. Moreau.

  • More than 600 volunteers
  • 456 rodeo registrations
  • 10 different events