Milei travels to New York to speak to US investors

Milei travels to New York to speak to US investors

Advisers to Argentina’s presidential candidate spoke to 80 North American leaders about the crisis in the country

Javier Milei, the favorite in the Argentine presidency race, traveled to New York on Thursday (September 7, 2023) to speak with North American businessmen. According to La Nación, Milei is expected to return to Argentina on Sunday (September 10, 2023).

The candidate’s team did not provide any details about the purpose of the trip. The only person who accompanied him on the trip was his sister Karina, a campaign strategist. Argentina is in an economic crisis and Milei is trying to gain international trust.

Juan Nápoli and Darío Epstein, Milei’s USbased advisors, spoke to some 80 North American executives about the situation in Argentina. In the end, they listened to the market’s opinion but did not put forward any government proposals.

Entrepreneurs expressed views on what the governability of libertarian management under leadership would look like. The rightwing candidate defends closing the country’s central bank and switching the peso to the dollar as the official currency.

“It was a talk that was scheduled to last one or two hours and ended up lasting five hours. It was very cooperative, we tried to integrate and work together,” Nápoli said in an interview with La Nación. Gerardo Mato, former head of Global Banking Americas, also attended the meeting.

Elections in Argentina

The first round of Argentine elections will take place on October 22nd. In the primaries, where citizens decide who will run for each coalition, Milei came out on top with 30.04% of the vote.

His main opponent in the race for Casa Rosada is Sergio Massa, the current economy minister. In the primary election he received 21.4% of the vote.

In polls for the election, Milei is at 38.5% and Massa at 32.3%. Patricia Bullrich from former President Mauricio Macri’s party is in third place with 23.7%.


Read more about the elections in Argentina: