Putin says Donald Trump is suffering “persecution for political reasons Prime Time Zone

Russian President Vladimir Putin

The President of Russia, Wladimir Putinstated that the former president of the US, Donald Trumpwas a victim of “political persecution” motivated by the decision to run against the current president in the 2024 American presidential election, Joe Biden. “This is a politically motivated persecution of your rival,” Putin told an economic forum in Vladivostok. The Russian also stated that the situation shows the “perversion of the American system.” Trump is facing a lawsuit in the US over several reasons, including pressure during the 2020 election, alleged payments to a former porn actress and allegations of negligence in the management of classified documents after he left the White House. Additionally, Putin said he expects the direction of U.S. foreign policy toward Russia will not change regardless of who becomes president. “I think there will be no fundamental changes in the direction of US foreign policy towards Russia, no matter who is elected president,” said Putin, who also accused the current Biden administration of “stirring up antiRussian sentiment in American society “.

*With information from AFP