Man arrested after harassing journalists live on Spanish channel Watch

Man arrested after harassing journalists live on Spanish channel; Watch video Estadao

A man was arrested Madridat Spainthis Tuesday 12th, thereafter harass a journalist during a live broadcast of the program En Boca de Todos on the Mediaset channel. The information comes from the newspaper El País.

The reporter Isabel Balado reported a robbery in a bar on Tirso de Molin Square when a man interrupted her. The young man, a 25yearold Romanian citizen, groped the journalist’s buttocks and asked which television station she worked for.

In the video, Isabel is visibly uncomfortable, moves away from the man and tries to pass on the information. Then she is interrupted by the journalist Nacho Abadwho hosted the studio show, who insults the man who harassed her.

“As much as you want to ask me what channel we’re from, do you really have to touch my ass? I exercise my right and work,” says the reporter. “I didn’t want to touch your ass,” he replies.

Isabel seems nervous and puts her hand to her ear as if she’s about to hear something. She moves away from the young man, but before he leaves, he leans against her again and touches her hair. Regard:

Following the interaction, the police were called by the Mediaset channel team. Officers arrived quickly and the man was arrested. He was taken to the Family and Women’s Assistance Department at Madrid Police Headquarters.

Authorities will analyze the images and collect statements from the man and Isabel. He denied touching the journalist, even though cameras recorded the entire incident.

Following the impact of the case, important figures in Spanish politics spoke out. “What was previously ‘normal’ is no longer normal. #SeAcabó (in Portuguese it is over) is our country’s call to guarantee the right to sexual freedom for all women. Nonconsensual touching is sexual violence and we say enough to prevent impunity. All my support for Isa Balado. Only yes is yes,” wrote Spain’s acting equal opportunities minister. Irene Monteroon X (formerly Twitter).

The Minister of Labor in Spain, Sumar Yolanda Diazsaid: “Machismo is the reason why journalists suffer such sexual assaults and why the attackers stand in front of the cameras without any remorse. “It cannot go unpunished.”