Hydro Quebec More responsibility given to two managers

Hydro-Québec: More responsibility given to two managers

A few weeks after taking power at the helm of Hydro-Québec, President and CEO Michael Sabia decided to review his organization and entrust two of its executives with more responsibility.

Claudine Bouchard will thus assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the energy system, especially in view of what are considered to be “increasingly extreme” weather conditions.

These tasks complement the tasks of designing and managing the energy system.

“Bringing together all of these complementary activities within the same group will make it possible to simultaneously increase the energy production needed by Quebec and improve the supply of electricity to customers,” the company announced in a press release Friday.

Dave Rhéaume, vice president of energy demand and risk planning, sees customer experience, energy efficiency and pricing as part of his mandate.

“I trust that they will mobilize the teams as great opportunities and challenges await us,” emphasized Mr. Sabia.

“With them and the other members of the steering committee, we will work on an action plan this fall that will give us a clear roadmap and initiatives that we can quickly implement in collaboration with communities and communities,” he said. -he is arguing .

Ms Bouchard and Mr Rhéaume will take up their new roles from October 2nd.