1694826649 How to choose a camera our advice that is not

How to choose a camera: our advice that is not cliche and completely objective – achatlemeilleur.ca


Thirty years ago, people had no choice: to capture memories in the form of photos, you needed a camera.

Smartphones have changed the game and now it is easy to take photos and videos using this device.

Especially since we live in an image society and in this context smartphones, which we can no longer do without, have performed excellently.

So why do cameras continue to be produced and why do we even see new models every year?

Because these devices have themselves evolved technologically and remain the first option for capturing the most beautiful images, whether for professional photographers or for amateurs who want to discover this discipline, all with many possibilities to customize the capture.

But which device should you choose?

Although today we mainly find digital cameras, there are different technologies and categories.

To help you find the best camera for your needs, here are some tips to help you with your shopping.

In summary

A camera remains the ideal device for taking photos of the highest quality.

There are four main types of cameras: SLRs and hybrid cameras, both with interchangeable lenses, and compact and bridge cameras with fixed lenses.

When choosing a device, several characteristics must be taken into account, such as its size, the size of the sensor or even its performance.

The features offered can also make a difference.

It is also important to choose the right lens, which plays a crucial role in taking the picture.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your expectations: from the beginner who wants a worry-free experience to the seasoned professional, there is a device for everyone!

The type of technology

Sony camera

There is not just one type of camera and each has its advantages and disadvantages:


DSLR cameras are based on their film ancestors and offer a similar experience.

SLR cameras offer numerous advantages, especially in the diverse setting options, and usually have an optical viewfinder that enables significantly more precise shots.

It is also possible to attach a wide variety of lenses: Some models are even sold with a housing only, i.e. without a lens.

Many photographers swear by SLR cameras!


These devices are designed for people who want to take beautiful photos without any hassle.

As the name suggests, they are compact and lightweight.

In general, they are very easy to use: in a compact device you will find many automatic functions that save thousands of settings.

As a rule, they do not have an optical viewfinder, but rather a screen.

On the other hand, the lens is part of the device and cannot be replaced.

This is an advantage because you don’t have to purchase an additional lens and you don’t have to worry about which lens to choose when you want to take a photo.

But this is also a disadvantage because you don’t get the additional creative possibilities that a selection of lenses offers.

Finally, they often benefit from an excellent service life.

Note that there are also expert compact cameras that have, for example, optical zoom and advanced functions.


What are mirrorless cameras?

Hybrid cameras work like SLR cameras with interchangeable lenses and offer numerous setting options.

These are devices that have electronic elements to replace the mirror of SLR cameras.

A hybrid is therefore lighter than an SLR camera.

When introduced, this technology produced worse results than those achieved with an SLR camera.

This is no longer the case today.

Hybrids are a huge success and more and more models of this type are being produced.

These are devices that offer excellent value for money.


Bridge cameras represent a separate category of cameras, halfway between the SLR and the compact camera.

These are versatile devices that offer a slightly more advanced experience than a compact device, with more extensive settings but have a fixed lens.

They offer excellent support and are characterized by their zoom

After all, these are fairly heavy devices and the size of their sensor is often not huge.

Other types of cameras

Olympus camera

The world of photography is vast and in addition to these four main types, there are others, rarer or intended for more specific purposes.

Film cameras

These film-based cameras were the kings of photography in the 20th century.

Having largely fallen out of use with advances, digital cameras are currently enjoying renewed interest thanks to a whole new wave of amateurs who want to experience a more authentic approach to photography.

Some of them are still in production, but you can also make great finds on the used market.

Instant cameras

These devices, often called Polaroid after the name of the company that invented them, allow you to create a photo instantly thanks to an integrated development system.

The popularity of these devices comes from the entertaining aspect of the experience, allowing you to obtain a physical memory without delay.

Action cameras

Made popular by the Go Pro, these devices are used for both photography and video.

They specialize in shooting sports or extreme activities.

The characteristics of the device

Camera how to choose

Several key features differentiate the cameras from each other.

The size

This is not a point to be ignored: depending on your practice, size can have a significant impact on what type of device you choose.

If you buy a bulky device, it is likely that you will have less desire to always take it with you “just in case,” especially in situations where you want to move more freely.

When you travel with a bulky camera, it’s often with the express purpose of taking photos!

In any case, there’s no point in having a state-of-the-art device that you don’t use if it takes up too much space.

Conversely, a small device is easier to take with you everywhere and you can take it out more often.

picture quality

When it comes to image quality, there are several points to consider.

The resolution

This is expressed in megapixels.

It’s easy to fall into this trap: rely solely on the image resolution when choosing your device.

However, it is not the resolution that guarantees you the quality of the images!

In fact, high resolution affects the size of the image, allowing, for example, large format prints or making cropping easier.

But the picture doesn’t get any prettier.

Think about it!

The sensor

It’s really the sensor that plays a key role in achieving good image quality.

The golden rule: the bigger the sensor, the better!

In fact, with a large sensor size you get better image quality, better results in low light and the ability to achieve a shallower depth of field, which is ideal for isolating the subject in the foreground while creating a blur in the background.

Sensor size is usually expressed as a fraction.

Here are the most common formats:

Full screen

Size: 24mm x 36mm

Diagonal: 43 mm

Full-frame sensors represent the best that can be found on the market

They are therefore more likely to be found in high-end devices.


Size: 15.5mm × 23.6mm

Diagonal: 28 mm

These sensors are very popular.

Note that the manufacturer Canon offers models with a slightly smaller APS-C sensor.


Size: 13mm x 17.3mm

Diagonal: 22 mm

This is a format found on a wide range of devices, especially compact devices.

Other formats

While there are larger sensors than full-frame sensors, these are only found on a few ultra-specific models that you’ll have a hard time finding.

On the other hand, there are many small sensors that are smaller than 4/3 format.

This is particularly true for most smartphones and some entry-level compact devices.

Lumix cameras


A camera is important, so it’s best to aim for a solid camera, especially if you plan on taking it with you in adventurous situations.

This criterion also includes resistance to water and dust: some devices are more resistant to these elements than others.

For example, you can find “tropicalized” devices.


When we talk about the performance of a camera, it mainly refers to the shooting speed.

This is very important for anyone who wants to take a photo as quickly as possible during an event.

For example, the speed of the autofocus affects this performance.

To do this, you also have to take into account other criteria that you don’t necessarily think about, such as the speed at which the device turns on.

When we think about performance, we also think about burst mode.

In this mode, multiple photos are automatically taken as long as the shutter button is pressed, with the speed of these photos varying, expressed in frames per second.

Remember that choosing a high-performance burst mode means a lot more work for you when sorting images!

The mark

Choosing a device from a reputable brand has several advantages.

First of all, this guarantees easier repairs in the event of a problem, especially thanks to the more common replacement parts.

Additionally, major brands offer a wider selection of compatible lenses if you choose an interchangeable lens camera.

After all, big brands have built up a good reputation over decades, which guarantees good quality of the devices.

The best-known brands include Canon, Fujifilm, Sony, Nikon, Panasonic and Olympus.


Canon camera

Cameras offer numerous features that can transform your experience.

By studying them carefully, you can find a device that suits you.

Viewfinder or screen?

Most photographers appreciate the great advantage that a viewfinder offers.

Please note that electronic viewfinders are now available as an alternative to optical viewfinders.

Otherwise, many devices have an LCD screen.

Therefore, it is important to ensure that the screen has sufficient resolution to give a faithful overview of the photo taken.

Some models offer practical features such as an adjustable or touchscreen.


This is a very important feature: these settings are usually located at the top of the device.

Most of these settings offer automatic shooting modes depending on the situation, for example Portrait, Landscape, Sports, Night…

Choose a device that offers you the modes you want.

In addition to these automatic modes, there is often a manual mode.

In this mode you can express yourself much more freely and make the adjustments yourself.

If you want to get into more advanced photography, take a close look at this manual mode and the settings it offers: shutter speed, brightness, etc.


An interesting function is the autofocus, which automatically focuses on the targeted subject.

The devices are more or less efficient in this function.


Some devices have Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connectivity.

Above all, this allows you to instantly save your photos in the cloud or immediately publish your creations on social networks without waiting!

The anti-flicker option

This option is very useful when taking photos in conditions where artificial light emits certain interference frequencies that can affect the lighting of your photo.

The stabilizer

This very useful feature helps to avoid blur caused by the photographer’s movement while taking a photo.

Embedded applications

Some devices have built-in apps. in others it is possible to download them.

This can be very useful, for example, to process an image instantly without having to use a computer.

Save in RAW file format

The devices can record in multiple formats, but the RAW format should be monitored.

In fact, it offers the image in its purest, unprocessed form.

The video

To be complete devices, many cameras also allow video recording.

As far as resolution goes, Full HD isn’t that impressive: the best devices can film in 8K!!

In general, if that’s important to you, a device that can film in 4K is more than sufficient.

The optics

Camera lens

For many photography enthusiasts, it is the choice of optics or lens that gives the photo its personality.

Additionally, it is possible to purchase a body that is not necessarily high quality, but can take great photos alone with a quality lens.

Some cameras come with a lens, whether fixed or not, and examining the performance of that lens should be a deciding factor in your choice.

Other cameras only come with the body, so you have to buy the lens separately.

If you get a camera with interchangeable lenses, the choice is definitely huge and we could write an entire article on the subject!

To give you a quick guide, here are some criteria to consider when choosing a lens:


The following applies: Take a close look at which lenses are compatible with the device you are interested in.

A wide variety allows you to try other approaches and develop further.

Conversely, with a limited selection, you may not find the look that meets your expectations.

The budget

It is important to estimate the budget represented by optics, as these elements can significantly increase the bill.

Standard lens, telephoto lens, wide angle lens… it all depends on what you are looking for and you may need to purchase several to suit all circumstances.

It’s part of the passionate photographer’s life!

The luminosity

Lenses let in more or less light.

This aperture is indicated by the notation F followed by a number: the higher this number, the higher the brightness.

Choosing a large aperture is a good choice, especially in low-light situations (night, indoor, etc.).

On the other hand, greater brightness means less sharpness and very bright lenses require much more control.

The zoom

Sometimes it is possible to use a digital zoom with your camera. However, this is not recommended as it will affect the image quality.

This is where the optical zoom in the lens comes into play.

A high zoom gives you much more freedom when shooting distant subjects.

The viewing angle

Depending on whether you want to photograph vast landscapes or, on the contrary, very isolated subjects, the lens will be different.

To do this, you need to study the focal length offered.

The two extremes are wide angle and telephoto.

The focal length of hyper wide angle lenses varies between 12 and 18 mm.

At the other end of the spectrum, telephoto lenses, which are used to capture very precise images, offer a focal length of 70 to 600 mm.

The stabilizer

Some lenses have a stabilizer, as do some bodies.

This allows you to maintain control over your shot despite involuntary movements during shooting (e.g. if the photo is taken from a vehicle or in strong winds).

Your expectations

Olympus compact camera

This last point is absolutely crucial.

In fact, it is not just your level but your expectations that will guide you to the most suitable model.

For worry-free use

Not everyone wants to buy a camera to become a photographer.

If you want a device that’s easy to use and aren’t looking for professional customization options, you don’t have to go for the most expensive devices, even if you have the budget.

For what? Because these devices offer you countless possibilities that you will never use and that may even intimidate you.

Be careful, entry-level does not always mean simplicity: you may end up with a device that is more complicated than expected – for example with a poorly designed menu – and that offers inadequate photo quality.

In these cases, it’s best to choose a camera at a fair price that will allow you to easily take good photos at any time!

For beginners who want to make progress

Should you initially settle for a simple model and buy your first camera?

If you want to learn and grow, the answer is no!

In fact, most devices, even the high-end ones, have an automatic mode.

Nothing prevents you from starting with this mode and with simple functions and then trying to personalize your image little by little, which is what a good device allows.

Conversely, a device that is too simple could repel you and limit your ability to develop.

For more experienced photographers

In this category we will avoid compact cameras.

It’s best to choose a reflex or hybrid model that is compatible with a variety of optics.

With experience the door is wide open and the choice is huge.

On the other hand, you have to remember that in addition to the camera, you also have to invest in the appropriate photography equipment and plan your budget accordingly.

With these tips you will undoubtedly find the camera of your dreams!

We wish you a happy shopping.

And if you’re already set, don’t hesitate to let us know your favorite device in the comments!