Should we shorten the teaching baccalaureate degree TVA News

Should we shorten the teaching baccalaureate degree? – TVA News

To address the teacher shortage, the Legault government plans to cut teacher qualifications.

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This solution, favored by Education Minister Bernard Drainville, would ensure that teacher training would return to a three-year duration, as was the case before 1994.

Such a scenario was received rather positively by the participants of the show “La Joute”.

“It’s an interesting stone to lift. I think there’s something there. “Doctors, for example, complete training and then become assistant doctors, meaning they have not yet completed their studies but are in the network,” says Elsie Lefebvre.

However, the latter adds that supervision is necessary to properly supervise new teachers, especially if they find themselves in a class immediately after graduating from university.

For his part, Luc Lavoie believes that the four-year high school diploma makes little sense in the current context.

“If you want to offer a job for $53,000 a year and ask people to study for four years, there will be a major labor shortage, I swear!” proclaims the tournament journalist.

For Stéphane Bédard, it is important to make a quick decision to immediately address the problem of teacher shortages.

“The shortage is there and it will get worse. So live with your decision, make it and in two years we will see the result. We have to get there quickly,” he emphasizes.

To see the full exchange, watch the video above.