Todays daily horoscope for June 26 2023 NJcom

Today’s Daily Horoscope for September 17, 2023 –

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The tension between Venus and Jupiter resembles a discussion between a father and his teenage daughter. For many, the argument is internal. There is a part of us that wants to be free and experience all the glamor and excitement that we have been deprived of in the past, but there is tension because we are also afraid that it was forbidden for good reason.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22). The muses pursue you. You’re right to be flattered by their attention, as they usually like to be the ones being pursued. You have brilliant ideas about how to solve a problem and how best to communicate the solution.

SCALE (September 23rd – October 23rd). You live a question and you will also live the answer. When the entire cycle is over and you look back, you will consider the time you spent pondering the question as your favorite part of it. Try to enjoy the tension of the mystery.

SCORPIO (October 24th – November 21st). The past is over, but you can still experience it. Your story comes alive for you and offers you things to learn when you look at it from where you are today, a new place that brings different perspectives to light.

PROTECT (November 22nd – December 21st). Even though many want your attention, the ones who really need it are complicit in your original goal. Therefore, put your goal first. In this way you give others positive energy and stability.

CAPRICORN (December 22nd – January 19th). Anyone who measures themselves against society’s standards must submit to an extremely limited catalog of criteria. It only takes a few hours when you leave the world of people to reconnect with the source of happiness within you.

AQUARIUS (January 20th – February 18th). Unpleasant emotions arise when you think about something you don’t want and believe the reasons why you can’t have it. The good thing about it is that it shows you what your negative beliefs are. Now you know what you need to refute.

FISH (February 19th – March 20th). Straightforward wisdom can hurt, but you’d rather get your information that way than waste your time being flattered by a method, product, or relationship that ultimately doesn’t produce the desired result.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19). Like all greats, you try things that work and things that don’t work. And if the key doesn’t fit, just like with the big ones, you move on to the next door. Success comes from not taking anything personally.

BULL (April 20th – May 20th). The heart shows patience even when the mind is racing and struggling to get into a rhythm. Someone matches your pace, slowing down or speeding up, to get where you are with body, mind and heart.

TWINS (May 21 – June 21). Although having options is a prerequisite for happiness, too many of them leads to analysis paralysis. The good news is that nothing is irreversible in today’s situation. Whichever route you take, you can change your mind at any time.

CANCER (June 22 – July 22). It’s your happy shopping day. Whether you’re looking for something rare, waiting for a coveted item that matches the price you’re willing to pay, or looking for the perfect solution, gift or item of clothing, you’ll find success.

LION (July 23rd – August 22nd). The connection between your body and your mind is mysterious, but you don’t have to know how it works for it to work. Physical exertion will restore your perspective, revitalize your creativity and balance your emotions.

TODAY BIRTHDAY (17th of September). It is a year of continuous learning. Be careful, the enlightenment of your mind is very attractive, that’s why friends and fans flock to you. What kind of relationships do you want to add to your life? You have the choice. By adding and removing activities, you shape your personal life into a beautiful work of art. Taurus and Sagittarius love you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 23, 1, 15 and 32.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: A very spooky solar return to Cassandra Peterson, creator of Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. Her unique brand of humor, camp and horror made Elvira a cult icon, whose brand spanned from B-movie hosts to films, comics, action figures, clothing, accessories and more. Timeless looks are one of the qualities Virgo is known for, and Peterson can honestly handle her natal Sun, Mercury and Venus, all of which are in the radiant Virgo sign.

Holiday Mathis’ debut novel, How To Fail Epically in Hollywood, is out now! This fast-paced adventure to becoming a Hollywood star is available in paperback and e-book. For more information, visit

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