Big Brother VIP are Oriana Marzoli and Daniele Dal Moro

Big Brother VIP, are Oriana Marzoli and Daniele Dal Moro getting married? The unpublished revelation of the ex Gieffina

Oriana Marzoli in the Big Brother VIP house in Spain: “Daniele said he would marry me.”

time to Unexpected revelations for Oriana Marzoli. There Finalist of the seventh edition of Big Brother VIPcurrently in the cast of the Spanish version of the reality show, confessed this to his playmates Daniele Dal Moro is said to have told her that he wanted to marry her.

The unexpected revelation of Oriana Marzoli

Oriana Marzoli She came back to talk about hers troubled love story with Daniele Dal Moro in the house of Big Brother VIP in Spain. To everyone’s surprise, as Biccy reports, the Finalist of the seventh edition of Alfonso Signorini’s reality show revealed that he had done so pregnancy test and to have received that famous suggestion from her friend:

It’s not that I was really late, but I felt very strange. At that moment I didn’t have my things, I was so weird and I felt very nauseous and wanted to throw up. And I said, “Oh my God, what’s happening to me?” My mom said to me, “Aren’t you pregnant?” So I also took the pregnancy test and then also the blood test in case the test was wrong. And I have to admit that I have never seen my friend so frightened by the situation. Then he took it very badly because I took part in this program. He told me, “If you go out, we’ll break up or get married.” Then he told me, “I’ll marry you.” He had never told me that before.

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He also told me to move in with him. And what will I do? I’ll do it quickly too. I take my coconut and leave. I really like Verona, it’s a great city. I feel so comfortable in this city. And then his parents are too nice. I get along very well with them. Only once in my life have I had such a beautiful relationship with my boyfriend’s parents. But I was small and only 17 years old. He was actually my first boyfriend. Anyway, I hope they surprise me and bring my friend here.

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