Sahel Alliance: Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger unite for collective defense

The aim of the alliance is the well-being of the three nations. Photo: Assimi Goita.

Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger have signed the Liptako-Gourma Charter, an agreement establishing the Sahel Alliance. The main objective of this alliance is to create an architecture of collective defense and mutual assistance for the benefit of the populations of the three countries.

Mali’s interim president, Assimi Goita, announced the news and emphasized the importance of this initiative. According to Goita, the alliance will strengthen the region’s security and enable a joint response to any threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of signatory countries.

The Presidency of Niger has also highlighted the significance of this signing, calling it historic. An official publication expressed the commitment to building a peaceful, prosperous and poverty-free Sahel through cooperation and cooperation between member states.

The main goal of this alliance is to create an architecture of collective defense and mutual assistance. Photo: Niger Presidency.

One of the key articles of the Charter stipulates that any attack on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of one or more signatory states will be considered an attack on all others. This in turn triggers the obligation to provide assistance and relief to all those involved, including the use of armed forces, whether individual or collective.

(With information from agencies)