Marc Anthony 3 photos that show what he looked like

Marc Anthony: 3 photos that show what he looked like in his youth

The Puerto Rican Salsero Mark Anthony He is one of the most successful Latin American artists.

In more than 30 years of successful history it hasn’t stopped glowing on stage with his powerful voice and his incomparable charisma.

But before he became an icon with millions of records sold, multiple Grammy Awards, Guinness Records and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, he was a young aspiring singer.

The artist began his award-winning career in the 80s and 90s when he was still a young man. So the one who was born in New York in 1968 He attracted attention for his magnetic talent and bravery.

Photos of Marc Anthony showing what he looked like in his youth

From this period of his life, apart from the experiences that catapulted him to fame and made him grow as an artist, All that remains are photos of those he modeled for. and they left him immortalized in the flower of youth.

That’s why we collect below three portraits of the artist of Puerto Rican origin They show how handsome he was young and we’ll tell you some things about his life that you might not have known.

Growing up, he felt like a “stranger.”

Although he now lives surrounded by luxury, Marco Antonio Muñiz – his first name – had a modest childhood in East Harlem as the youngest of Guillermina Quiñones and Felipe Muñiz’s eight children.

He showed a talent for music from a young age and is remembered as a strange child. “I gave my mother a headache. For my father, I was the light in his eyes” he said on Good Morning America.

And for me it was strange. He had glasses. It weighed two pounds. My dad always told me, as God’s honest truth, “Boy, we’re ugly.” Work on your personality,” he shared in 2017.

He made his debut as an actor in the early 90s.

He “Thin goldbegan to gain attention in his twenties when his first solo album, One more notebecame one of the bestsellers in 1993. His songs could be heard on the radio and in films.

But a few years earlier had already made his acting debut. The project in which Mark Anthony Premiere on the big screen was as the protagonist of East Side Story in 1990.

While he was musically successful from then on, he appeared in several feature films, such as: hacker in 1995, leading role Angelina Jolie. His latest film is In a neighborhood in New York (2021).

He has no plans to reveal the secrets of his life

Over the decades, many stars publish books telling their stories, but if there’s anyone who doesn’t plan on writing his memoirs, it’s him the singer, who celebrates his 55th birthday today.

“Why would I want to relive those moments that caused me so much pain in the past? I don’t think I’ll write a book or air my dirty laundry…” he said on the Enrique Santos Show.

“I leave these things to my friends or family. I share these experiences with people who need to hear them, and I’m good at it. I will not write a book to share my story. Anyone who needs to know my story already knows it“concluded the father of seven children.