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“Does this lady still want a doll?”: This is what the gang that sold babies in Peru did

Before she was incarcerated in the Qenqoro women’s prison in Cusco, Fanny Hurtado – the 45-year-old woman who was detained in a hospital on September 4 with a newborn who was not her child – tried to persuade the court: “I leave because I wanted to be a mother like every woman. I was depressed because my father had just died. I didn’t want to hurt the baby. I saved him. “I sinned by loving a child,” he said.

Hurtado said he was in the San Jerónimo market when a woman approached him and asked him to look after a niece’s baby for three days. “He found out I couldn’t have children because of my landladies. [comerciantes] From the market. Sometimes I told them my things,” the woman told the judges. Hurtado also said that he had visited assisted reproduction centers in the past without success.

During interrogations and hearings, the woman denied paying for the baby. This Friday the 22nd, the child will be one month old and will be under the protection of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations. Basically, from the chats between Fanny Hurtado and a woman named Rosa Doris Huayhua, a payment of 3,000 soles ($811) was made for the child and a debt remained. “They told me it was the money for the legal adoption process,” the woman said.

He speaks in the plural for the other participants: Rubén Mora and Lizet Zambrano, daughter of Rosa Doris, who appears as a major leader of this alleged child trafficking network that operated near the Plaza Mayor of Cusco under the facade of a maternity center. Both Mora and Zambrano were the recipients of the deposits. Despite this, and despite the fact that Mora was arrested red-handed – he was transporting the fake mother and the alleged saleswoman in his car to the Manco Cápac hospital – Judge Zulay Sánchez granted them temporary freedom through a technicality: she said the prosecution was entirely arbitrary arrested because there was no prior order.

Fanny Hurtado AltamiranoFanny Hurtado Altamirano holds a baby in her arms as she is treated by hospital staff.

Rosa Doris Huayhua did not return to the hearing where she was placed in preventive detention for nine months and no one knows where she is. As a result of this ruling, the Cusco Judicial Authority Control Unit opened an investigation against the judge.

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Lizet Blanca Zambrano’s whereabouts are also a mystery. Although she was not arrested in the act, there is a direct connection to her. In the organizational chart of the band, christened Los imperiales de San Jerónimo, she was responsible for attending to and certifying the birth of babies by presenting herself on the organization’s premises as a bachelorette in obstetrics. Emiliana Huacasi, dean of the Cusco College of Obstetricians, clarified that the woman “was not a member nor was she authorized to practice.”

Lizet Zambrano is not the only daughter of Rosa Doris Huayhua involved. The newspaper Perú 21 published a chat with Candy Gutiérrez Huayhua, who has not yet been involved in the case. “Candy, does this lady still want a doll?” the ringleader asked her daughter. “Yes, I think so. “He told me it was safe,” he replied. Everything indicates that it was a family clan: the mother and daughter were dedicated to recruiting surrogate mothers, and the second daughter forged the documents. According to the investigation, they marketed not only babies, but also fetuses. “They were presumably used for payments to the country. In addition, it was assumed that if the babies had errors in their chats, they could euthanize them. That is, kill them She them,” said Paulo Rivera Quispe, assistant prosecutor for human trafficking. An altar with incense and charcoal was found at the obstetric center, which was closed for two weeks.

According to the Ombudsman’s Office, 299 minors have disappeared in Cusco since January this year. This number could be a result of the criminal actions of Los imperiales de San Jerónimo. It may even shed light on the mysterious theft of two bodies in recent months: in July, a fetus went missing from the Antonio Lorena Hospital morgue; In August, a grave containing the remains of an eight-month-old child was desecrated at the Sol de Oro cemetery in the San Sebastián district. “There are more stakeholders involved, including health workers. It would not be the first baby brought to the hospital where Fanny Hurtado Altamirano was captured,” a police source told the Cusco newspaper. Prosecutors estimate that around twenty children were trafficked.

A third child of Rosa Doris Huayhua appeared in this story. This is Álvaro Zambrano Huayhua, sergeant of the National Police. When his mother was arrested, the police officer was away from his base in the Puno region for four days. “He left irregularly, without the knowledge of his superiors. We will not cover up any of these acts,” said Police Chief Enrique Felipe Monroy.

Members of the Supreme Court of Cusco accompany Doris Rosa Huayhua.Members of the Supreme Court of Cusco accompany Doris Rosa Huayhua. With kind approval

Meanwhile, the Human Trafficking Prosecutor’s Office continues to search for the birth mother of the newborn with whom this human trafficking network was uncovered, as well as the women who were treated at this maternity center, where births and abortions were carried out.

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