Lino Banfi My wife Lucia is preparing the afterlife for

Lino Banfi: “My wife Lucia is preparing the afterlife for me. There is a film that I unfortunately rejected”

And the Pope?
“He calls me every now and then. And I tell him the funniest episodes of my life, but also the saddest: My dream was always to make people laugh and cry together. As a token of my friendship, I asked him for this photo. He put the stick away and leaned on me.

Why don’t you tell Corriere readers about your life too? What is your first memory?
“The bombings. We run to the animal shelter and Grandpa Giuseppe shouts: “Pasqualì, purta li puppets!”, bring the puppets!”

Which dolls?
“I had built three of them out of hardened breadcrumbs: Orlando, Rinaldo and Angelica. And I improvised little shows for the other children, who in return brought me almonds or dried figs. The dolls exchanged terrible threats: “I’ll break your neck, Nut” was born then. I also took them into the basement where we sought shelter from the bombs to distract the little ones. Then I used them to amuse the French.

– Lino Banfi with Totò

Which French?
“My father’s brothers had emigrated to France, one was called Altomare, like the Madonna dell’Altomare, patron saint of Andria. They were bricklayers, but for the holidays they came back to us in Puglia with their French wives and children: “Pascal, fais le comique,” ​​and I made them laugh, “Pascal, fais la femme,” and dressed up as one Woman. In honor of the French, Dad went to buy butter, which we had never seen before.

What did your father do?
“Ortolano. He grew onions and leeks. His name was Riccardo. I loved him and never got around to telling him that. He was in third grade.

And his mother?
“She didn’t go to school at all. When she had to sign, they said to her: Nunzia, make the cross. But she answered: “My name is Nunzia Colia” and made two crosses: one for the name and one for the surname. Mom, I enjoyed it longer. When she became ill, I searched for the best surgeon for her. After the operation, the luminary wanted to meet me, he led me into a closet which he locked. I thought he had some serious news to tell me.

“He knelt down, kissed my hand and said, ‘I always dreamed of kissing the hand that touched Nadia Cassini’s ass.’ I had trusted my mother’s life to a madman.

– Banfi with Nadia Cassini

Does he have brothers?
«Giuseppe spent his life in prison: a prison officer in the Nuove prison in Turin. Nicola is an insurer. Then there is Sabina: She would be my cousin, but she grew up with us and I loved her more than a sister.

Is it true that you entered the seminary as a boy?
“I wanted to study, and in Canosa you either studied to be a notary or a priest. Even though my father already saw me as a cardinal. And the uncles: Maybe he will become Pope.”

How did it end?
“They kicked me out for indiscipline. We organized wild pranks, spied on the nuns… They made me kneel on chickpeas in vain. In spiritual plays I had to play the role of Judas, but I still managed to make people laugh. The bishop’s name was Monsignor Di Donna, a holy man who served as a missionary in Madagascar, now he is being blessed. I feared a terrible curse. Instead, he smiled at me, “Boy, your calling is not the priesthood, but entertaining people.”

How did the show start for you?
“The variety show. When the companies arrived, the audience chanted my name during the break: Zagaria-Zagaria… I went on stage with my mother’s stocking on my head and imitated the greats of black music: Don Marino Barreto, Nat King Cole, Armstrong. …One day the impresario suggested that I follow him.

And you?
“I hesitated, I was a child… Then I met the gaze of a beautiful dancer. He smiled at me and made the sign: sign… I signed. It was painful for dad. He just told me: Let me hear from you every now and then.”

First role?
“The ungrateful son. The one who had to kneel down and kiss the hands of the pioneer.

Then he traveled to Milan.
“With the emigrant’s suitcase: the only special feature was that it was tied with a mother’s scarf instead of a string. On the houses it was written: “We do not rent to southerners” or even directly: “We do not rent to Terùn”. So I deleted the n for Andria by color blending to look like I was born in Adria and added the Venetian accent: “Is there a room for me?” The money was used up immediately. I had 19 years ahead of me and a hunger behind me. I slept in the carriages on the train sidings. A homeless man, or rather a barbún de prufesiún, as he called himself, took me under his protection: “The carriage is leaving, sleep in the other one …”. It was he who gave me the idea of ​​almonds.

“It was cold, I was dreaming of a bed and a warm meal, and the barber asked me: “Do you still have your almonds?” I had them. “Have them removed. They’re no use anyway. And you have a nice week in the hospital.” But I’m not sick. “But you’re an actor, aren’t you? In the meantime, take this,” and he makes a quinine-based concoction that actually makes my throat swell. I go to the hospital in Baggio and convince the doctors to operate on me. I didn’t expect you to be left with an empty stomach afterwards…’.

And they fired her, I imagine.
“I was hungrier than before and desperate. Then I remembered what my father always said: “When you are in trouble, tell the truth.” I told the doctor the truth: “I had an operation because I was hungry.” He understood, forgave me and confided to a nun: “This boy needs another week of hospitalization and two square meals a day.”

When did he become Lino Banfi?
“Later in Rome. I worked in the theater of Graziano Jovinelli, who sent me to Totò with a letter of recommendation: “But please, don’t open it, don’t read what I write about you.”

And you?
“I obviously opened and read the letter using the Steam trick. It was written: “Dear Totò, you have before you a talented young man who does not get lost in subjunctive moods.” Practically a conclusion. Totò asked me: What is your name? And me: Pasquale Zagaria, aka Lino Zaga. And he said: That’s not good, you have to change that.

“I asked him that. And he: “It’s good to shorten your name, look at me, my name is Antonio.” But shortening the last name brings great misfortune.”

But why Banfi?
“I told everything to my supervisor, who was also a primary school teacher. He opened the class register and read the first line: Aurelio Banfi. I stole his last name, and I’ve never met him, I’d like to meet him… We were in a restaurant and toasted Lino Banfi. The innkeeper joined in the toast: “Let’s hope you succeed so you can pay my bills.”

What did you do in the theater?
“The moderator. Three showings a day, between one film and the other. We waited behind the screen so we could watch the film backwards. The character of the Apulian was later born in a Roman cabaret, the brothel.

How did it go?
«Lando Fiorini had argued with Montesano, who had fired him because of television: “I will replace you with the first asshole I find at Jovinelli!” I was the first asshole. I arrive and see this sophisticated audience, very different from that of the vaudeville show: furs, real jewels, not fake or tattooed. I thought about abusing them a little: “Holy shit, what the hell did you do to those very uncomfortable poufs?” They could have sent me to hell. They laughed.”

Apulia was not fashionable at the time: Modugno was considered Sicilian, Arbore was considered Neapolitan.
“We had no theater tradition, we had neither Pirandello nor Eduardo. Checco Zalone recognized it in me: I opened the way to Puglia. Back then, none of us were prophets in our homeland.”

Not even her?
«In 1972, Aldo Moro summoned me to the prefecture of Bari through his secretary Nicola Rana: “You told me that you make a joke about me in your broadcasts… Are you repeating that to me?”

What was?
“In Russia, Stalin is dead and there is de-Stalinization, in Italy Moro is still alive, but there is already demoralization…”

And Moro?
“He smiled, “Bella. Very good. But don’t say it again. When I went out I met Pinuccio Tatarella.

– Lino Banfi with Pavarotti

The Missino?
To him. Everyone loved him, even Moro. We started talking about Puglia: why not create a consortium of companies, one for pasta, one for oil, one for wine? Moro and Tatarella agreed. However, they couldn’t find three producers willing to collaborate. They all fought against each other.

Is it true that you voted for MSI?
“No, even if someone called me Black Bacon. My father was a center-right Christian Democrat, and so was I. I always looked at the man. I like Veltroni and not just because his name is the same as my son Walter. When he ran for mayor of Rome, I accompanied him to the senior centers. I liked Craxi.”

Did you know him?
“In a Milanese restaurant. He was with Berlusconi who introduced us. He was Prime Minister, I was the one who touched Nadia Cassini’s ass and peered through the keyhole at Edwige Fenech. Nevertheless he was very friendly, he kissed my wife’s hand. A gentleman”.

The 5 stars sent it to UNESCO.
“Not the 5 stars; Di Maio. He suggested a game: “I know all Grandpa Libero’s jokes by heart, ask me…”. Now we have Zoom meetings. You know that thing where you see yourself in a computer window? I want to fight for Canosa to make the bridge over the Ofanto a world heritage site.”

When did you meet Berlusconi?
“At a party for the owner of Simac, ice cream machines, where I went because I thought there might be a place, an advertisement.” I saw Berlusconi and thought he was the pianist because he was playing and singing Song by Gilbert Bécaud, the story of a prisoner in love: “A Pêques ou à la mi-carême/ quand je serai libéré/” lorsque j’ fine but thin gold…” I knew it too and sang with him: “Marie , Marie, ecris donc plus souvent…”. Then they said to me: Do you know who this is? The owner of Telemilano. He ended up writing to me.”

You were equal, like the Pope.
“Berlusconi was two months younger than me; So he called me “old.” Every July 11th he called me with birthday wishes: Hello old man! He once asked me to repeat a monologue from Risatissima in which I made fun of him.

What did he say?
“Berlusconi disappointed me, I thought he was three meters tall… He saw the recording and called me: ‘You did great, but you were in your shirtsleeves.’ I would ask you to do it again . Don’t change a word; But put on your tailcoat or at least your jacket. Remember that we enter the homes of Italians on Saturday evening.”

What were Franco and Ciccio like?
“Really great. Every now and then they argued and threatened each other: I’ll leave you and meet Lino Banfi! Once it really happened: in 1979 Ciccio got an ulcer and I went to America with Franco in his place, Rosanna Fratello and Bobby Solo were there too. I woke up at night and saw my name flashing on the sign at Madison Square Garden.

And village? Is it true that he was bad?
Anus. If anything, villain. We walked around the fire station with Boldi and De Sica, he said: Let’s offer dinner to those at the next table too, then he left. And we had to pay, for him and for the neighbors. However, unlike other comedians, he was not jealous of colleagues who made people laugh.

How can he say that?
“You know the scene from Fracchia and the Human Beast when Inspector Auricchio enters the restaurant, is greeted by a mocking ditty and says, “Keep ringing…”.”

I know the classics: “My name isn’t frifrì, I’m an inspector, and I’m going to kick your ass like that…”
“Manganelli, the former police chief, told me that he had all the new commissioners sing it in the choir as a rite of passage. Well, that scene wasn’t in the script. If you watch the film carefully, you will notice that the player is looking for the gaze of the director and Villaggio to understand what to do. And they told him to keep playing.

Aldo Fabrizi?
“We were neighbors, we went for a walk: “Next to me you will look as thin as Alain Delon.” Pativa Sordi: The Marquis del Grillo would have liked to have done it himself.

Peppino De Filippo?
“He said to me: You are a beautiful stage animal.”

Sophia Loren?
“She called me early one morning to compliment me on a novel about children that had moved her. “Nuie simme pacifier and effort,” he explained to me: “We have to work until our last breath.”

Did you ever see Nadia Cassini again?
“Chiambretti had me appear on a show, Annamaria Rizzoli was also there. Nadia had gained weight, she had been drinking, she was a magnificent but fragile creature.”

– Lino Banfi with Edwige Fenech

And Fenech?
“Always wonderful. She was born in a town called Bona in Algeria and now lives in Lisbon. What more do you want?».

Would you remake these films?
“I would do anything again. A left-wing critic confided in me that he had secretly visited her and cried with laughter. I told him: Why don’t you write it? And he: You’re crazy, then they’ll fire me. Dino Risi’s children fondly remember all of their father’s films, except “Inspector Lo Gatto”: Why? Carlo and Enrico Vanzina, on the other hand, always remembered that Steno directed me in God Creates Them and Then Couples Them. I was a homosexual butcher who asked the priest Johnny Dorelli to marry him to a man …».

Is there a film you regret turning down?
“Christmas gift. I was overwhelmed by the coach’s success in football, I kept up the pace of three films a year, I respected Pupi Avati but did not want to include myself in his circle, Cavina Haber Delle Piane… It was a mistake. But I am happy to have made the Abatantuono fortune.”

Is Favino right to complain about Italian characters being played by foreigners?
«Favino is a very good actor, he also has Apulian roots. But that’s how it’s always been. When an Italian opera is successful, they remake it with American actors. Twenty years ago I made a TV film with Nino Manfredi, “Family Defect”: At that time the gay man was Manfredi, and I was his brother who is ashamed but in the end gives him half a liver and saves him. Eight million viewers. Now they’re doing it again in America, with De Niro and Al Pacino. On the other hand, I once made a film in German.

Can you speak German at all?
“Not a word. I read it from the signs hanging on the chests of the other actors.”

How deaf was he?
«We were filming “Prisoner Awaiting Trial,” we had to be late for the close-ups and it was my daughter Rosanna’s birthday. I asked him if I could make them first. Alberto patted me lovingly and said: “Blessed are you, you have a beautiful family.” When I went to his funeral, an admirer told me in tears: “Lino, we will be there for you too.” But wow…».

They say he was stingy.
“That is not true. Sordi was not stingy; Sordi had a sense of the importance of money, which is something completely different. If we gave a beggar a hundred lire, he would give him a thousand. If we tipped the hotel porter a thousand lire, he would give her ten thousand. I once asked him: Why are you doing this? And him: because I’m Alberto Sordi and that’s what they expect from me.”

I see that you have two letters framed here at home. This is by Federico Fellini.
“He always asked me to tell him about an episode of the variety show, especially about the dancers…”.

This is instead from Pope Francis: “Grandparents know how to remain strong in suffering, and you are the grandfather of an entire nation.” Collect Lucia’s legacy of faith and goodness…».
“He wrote it to me when my wife died. We had time to celebrate sixty years of marriage.

– Lino Banfi with his wife Lucia, who died last February

How did you meet?
“They had excluded me from the seminar, I had missed puberty and was looking for a girlfriend.” Then I noticed this girl, pretty, very shy, who works as a mender. I interrupt her: “Sir, I need to talk to you…”.

And what did she answer?
“What do you want? Go away!”. Luckily I insisted: I owe her everything. His family didn’t want me; so we had a fuitina. We got married at six in the morning in the sacristy. Terribly cold. The best man was late and the priest became nervous: “Let’s hurry up, I have a wedding later!” I was very disappointed: Father, what is ours? So I promised my wife that one day she would throw a royal party. And I kept it.

How did he fare?
“On the occasion of my golden wedding anniversary, I gave a reception at the Hotel Parco dei Principi. I wanted a real prince, and they told me: Prince Giovannelli would be there, he comes to all the parties. I invited him. He came. With Mara Venier, Nancy Brilli, Scarpati, Arbore…».

Why does he owe everything to his wife?
“We went to Rome in my cousin’s vegetable truck, I still have to pay for that now.” Rosanna was born. We didn’t have a cent, just debts to tie dealers. In kindergarten they told me: The little girl has to eat meat, otherwise she will waste away. That withered word still stirs within me. So I went to Senator Iannuzzi.

“The Senator from Canosa. He got me a job as a bank messenger with the prospect of promotion to bailiff. Enough with the variety show, we’ll start working seriously tomorrow. I didn’t sleep there all night. At dawn Lucia said to me: “You are not going today. I don’t want to live with an unhappy man. You have to be an actor. And I will always be by your side” (Lino Banfi is touched). Until the last day I kissed her, I called her love and I really loved her. We also agreed on a signal, a whistle, to recognize ourselves in the other life among many souls.”

In this photo she also kisses the Pope…
“Yeah, the last time we kissed on the cheek. It had already happened to me with Wojtyla and Ratzinger, but those were barely mentioned kisses. This time I really felt the Pope’s audacity. We are two old colleagues who smile at each other when we meet, like two children who have gotten into mischief.”

You are a successful man, you received an award at the Venice festival, you got a million clicks on Tik-Tok in one day, but…
“But I always have a touch of melancholy, that’s true. I am preparing a film about my life, I call it the feature film. There’s a scene where I’m talking to my father, obviously I’m my father. He attached great importance to elegance; he wore a fedora, which he took off to greet the gentlemen. I think of him with a goatee and glasses. He has now earned three degrees. And he never takes off his hat again.

How do you imagine life after death?
“I hope the humorist Dino Verde was right when he said: The Eternal Father speaks Neapolitan, a universal language.” Saint Peter speaks Romansh. The Madonna, on the other hand, is Venetian: “Commands…”. Then there is someone who tells jokes and makes everyone laugh, and when God asks him, “Who are you?”, he replies, “I am Antonio, but you call me Totò.”

Nice. But I’m serious: How do you imagine life after death?
“A quiet and welcoming place, because that’s how Lucia prepares it for me.”

She makes me laugh and cry at the same time.
“It took almost ninety years; but in the end I did it.

– Banfi and his wife in a photo when they were young

The other interviews in “The Grand Old Man” series