Stripper tries to seduce cops and asks to be shocked

Stripper tries to seduce cops and asks to be shocked if arrested: “I like eccentricity

Grace Spoonamore, 20, was arrested

Grace Spoonamore, 20, was arrested

Photo: Reproduction

A stripper tried to seduce a police officer after she was pulled over for crashing into another car and “running” from police. at high speed. As captured by the security camera strapped to the agent’s chest, Grace Spoonamore, 20, even told him to shock her because she “likes the eccentric.”

The young woman was arrested in Ohio, USA. According to the police report, obtained by the DailyMail newspaper, the woman was drunk, had slurred speech, had red eyes and appeared disoriented.

She initially denied drinking alcohol. But he later told police that he had drunk three double shots of tequila with friends.

As she was handcuffed and asked what she was carrying, Grace asked in a flirtatious tone if the officer wanted to search her. In the car she revealed that she was a stripper, but didn’t reveal where she worked.

At the police station she also threatened to pee on a police officer, but only “if he liked it.” According to the vehicle, she was also accused of spitting on a police officer during her statement.

The young woman was eventually arrested on suspicion of speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol, attempted obstruction of justice and assault by police. His criminal trial is scheduled to take place on October 2nd.

Source: Redação Terra