1695021628 More than 100 fighters Taiwan complains about harassment by China

More than 100 fighters: Taiwan complains about “harassment” by China news

The Chinese military flies to the area almost daily. This time the number was comparatively high, 103 aircraft. “We call on authorities in Beijing to take responsibility and immediately stop such unilateral and destructive actions,” Taiwan’s Defense Ministry said.

The aircraft, registered on September 17 and 18, “posed major security challenges in the Taiwan Strait and the region.” Beijing’s “continued military harassment could easily lead to a sharp rise in tensions and worsen regional security,” the ministry said.

Taiwanese warship

AP/Taiwan Ministry of National Defense Taiwan protects its coasts from fighter jets

According to reports, 40 aircraft flew over the symbolic center line of the Taiwan Strait, the strait between the Republic of Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China. Thus, they penetrated the air defense zone in the southeast and southwest of Taiwan.

Talks between the US and China continue

China, governed by the Communist Party, sees Taiwan, with its approximately 24 million inhabitants, as part of its territory. Beijing therefore reacts sensitively when delegations from other countries visit the country or promise support.

Most recently, China sanctioned two US defense companies for selling weapons to Taiwan, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced. Over the weekend, representatives from China and the US spoke to each other in several rounds in Malta.

China: Taiwan issues “red line”

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan that the Taiwan issue was a “red line” that should not be crossed in China-US relations, according to Chinese sources. According to the White House, the US and China intend to hold new talks at the “highest level” in the coming months.

Military exercises on screen in a restaurant in Beijing

Portal/Tingshu Wang China regularly publishes images of its army’s maneuvers

Democratic Taiwan has had an independent government since 1949. Beijing has threatened to invade in the past. More recently, experts assumed that China’s military was carrying out a major exercise in the Western Pacific, where Taiwan is located. China’s Foreign Ministry did not provide any information and called for provocations that would disturb the peace in the Taiwan Strait to be avoided.

Since Taiwanese president and independence advocate Tsai Ing-wen took office in 2016, relations between China and Taiwan have deteriorated. As a result of the pandemic, relations between Beijing and Taipei were effectively severed in 2020.

“Reunification” a “historical task”

A few days ago, the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the State Council of China released a document calling for the creation of a “new path for integrated development” between Taiwan and the Chinese province of Fujian, located on the opposite side of the Taiwan Strait. . Among other things, the aim is to facilitate the work of Taiwanese students and employees in Fujian.

The document goes on to say that “resolving the Taiwan question” and “realizing the complete reunification of the motherland” are the “historic task of the Communist Party of China” and the “indispensable prerequisite for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” ” .