Israel Netanyahu those who protest are allying themselves with the

Israel: Netanyahu, “those who protest are allying themselves with the PLO and Iran” Latest News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s comments are sparking controversy in Israel as he accused anti-judicial reform protesters of allying themselves with “the PLO, Iran and others” during his visit to the US. “For those who protest, it seems normal to defame Israel before the eyes of the nations. But,” he added, “it doesn’t seem normal to me. When I was leader of the opposition, I never did that.” The Prime Minister then denounced that the organizers of the protests are doing this with a lot of money and financial support.

Words condemned by opposition leader and centrist Benny Gantz: “The demonstrators,” he said, “are patriots who love their homeland. The enormous damage that Netanyahu is inflicting on Israeli society will not be repaired by a thousand fiery speeches at the United Nations.” Israelis living in the US who oppose judicial reform – last night also marked the 37th week of demonstrations in Tel Aviv and many other places – are preparing demonstrations and protest strikes during the prime minister’s visit and his speech to the UN Secretary General before The meeting is scheduled for September 22nd.

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