Daily horoscope for July 1 2023 – Chicago Tribune

Daily Horoscope for September 18, 2023 – Chicago Tribune

Daily horoscope for July 1 2023 – Chicago Tribune

There is a methodological rhyme and reason to this day. The Moon enters Scorpio at 12:58 a.m. EDT for the next two days, encouraging us to read between the lines and think carefully before jumping to any conclusions. As Luna forms a harmonious trine to the masterful Saturn in Pisces here, she ensures we are connected to our work. Additionally, a supportive Moon sextile to Mercury should make it easy for us to express whatever is on our minds. Progress can be made without stress.

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March 21st – April 19th

This is no time for half measures. The Moon marches into your 8th house of shared resources, urging you to take things seriously and postpone playing around for another time. While this might not sound like fun, it should be incredibly useful for tackling any big problems you’ve been avoiding. If something snatches your attention, proceed carefully and work to clear it. You have the determination you need to achieve victory.

April 20th – May 20th

You may feel the need to defend your current position. When the Moon enters your righteous 7th house, the focus is on balance and she turns her cosmic attention to the central partnerships in your life. While it’s important to treat others fairly, it’s also important that they treat you fairly! If someone got away with less than their share, it’s your turn to let them know where to drop the ball. You have every right to be honest about your needs.

May 21st – June 20th

On a day like this you can run with the best. The Moon moves into your 6th house of routine, organizing your approach to everything on your plate with an efficiency that is sure to impress. Avoid stressing over big projects. Instead, remember that life is made up of many little parts and that you will succeed best when all of those little parts work together. Get in tune and you will go far.

June 21st – July 22nd

Turn up the music, Cancer, and get ready to dance! You have the cosmic freedom to enjoy yourself as the Moon enters your 5th House of Joy, giving you the day off from more serious projects if possible. When you get the chance, do something that puts a smile on your face or feeds your inner child, because every now and then you need to shake off all the weight of the world. Finding joy can be a radical act.

July 23rd – August 22nd

It’s a good day to return to your roots. The Moon is entering your 4th house of introversion, so you may not be particularly interested in the outside world at the moment. Plus, your inner workings could probably use a little attention! Be sure to face yourself and your emotional needs because if these are not in order, the rest of your life can fall apart. Nurture your nature and you will see brilliant results everywhere.

August 23rd – September 22nd

You have to work a little harder than usual to keep your eye on the ball. The sky pulses with frenetic energy as the Moon enters your 3rd house of local community, so you may find yourself pacing all over the place, running around like a bouncy ball. It’s okay to commit to something, but if you actually want to achieve something, you have to show a certain level of responsibility and ownership. Otherwise today could pass you by in a big whirlwind!

September 23rd – October 22nd

The stars cross their T’s and I’s. As the Moon moves into your money-conscious second house, it’s an ideal time to review your financial situation and make sure everything is on track. You may discover a few hidden costs you didn’t know you had, and you may be able to save a pretty penny by canceling them or removing some other subscriptions you no longer need. A little efficiency now can pay off across the board.

October 23rd – November 21st

Everything is coming back to you today, Scorpio. The moon arrives in your sign for a monthly check-in, helping you clear the clutter and block out any noise. You are able to focus on what YOU want. If your passions have subsided, do whatever it takes to get them going again! You shouldn’t deprive yourself of the things that make you happy. Don’t think of it as selfish, because it’s not. You deserve to be fulfilled.

November 22nd – December 21st

If you want, you can temporarily turn away from reality. As the moon settles in your sleepy twelfth house, the focus is on letting bygones be bygones, so you may not be interested in major issues or making waves. It’s okay if you’re more inclined to turn on Do Not Disturb and do your own thing in peace. Don’t feel guilty about taking time for yourself! You deserve a chance to refill your tank and refresh your soul.

December 22nd – January 19th

Your phone could suddenly ring at any moment, Capricorn! The moon zips into your 11th house of social networking, so it’s the perfect time to connect with people near and far. Whether you’re playing your part in an organized group or simply going from one friend to another, you’ll find the greatest satisfaction in not taking things into your own hands. Remember that we are all connected and that connection can bring so much.

January 20th – February 18th

The higher you aim, the further you can go! Your ambitions will be highlighted as the Moon enters your 10th house of professional goals, helping you narrow down what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. If you’re not sure what your goals are, use this moment to get back in touch with what drives you and what you want to manifest in the future. When you gain clarity, you increase your success in all your endeavors.

February 19th – March 20th

It’s not a good idea to restrict yourself right now, Pisces. The Moon flies into your exploratory 9th house, sending you a breath of fresh air to inspire you on your journey into the unknown. You may sometimes find the world discouraging rather than encouraging – try viewing this fear as a simple manifestation of what you don’t know. If you embrace the unknown rather than shy away from it, you could find more excitement and satisfaction than you could have ever imagined.

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