1695064110 Alcasser mourns the murder of his neighbor Manuel who was

Alcàsser mourns the murder of his neighbor Manuel, who was allegedly stabbed to death by his partner

Alcàsser murders ManuelMinute of silence in the town hall of Alcàsser for the violent death of Manuel this Monday.MONICA TORRES

Manuel was a well-known and popular neighbor in Alcàsser (pop. 10,396). It was “un bon xic amb mala sort,” commented a neighbor this Monday morning in Valencian in front of the house where Manuel, 54, died last Sunday morning as a result of the stab wounds he allegedly suffered. His partner, a 28-year-old young woman with whom he shared a room in the heart of the Valencian city. “Manuel has been from here his whole life. She doesn’t. It came from a district of Valencia. “They went out, you saw them together for a few months out there, in the bars, on the streets, and they lived in this rented room, but I don’t know if you could say they were a stable couple,” commented another neighbor shortly before the minute of silence called by the city council to mourn the violent death of his neighbor.

The woman was arrested by the Guardia Civil next to Manuel’s bloody body shortly after the incident. The man had stab wounds, one of them in the chest, which initial investigations suggest could be fatal; the results of the autopsy are still pending.

Shortly after the arrest, according to investigative sources, it was discovered that the woman had a high level of alcohol in her blood. According to city sources, there have been no complaints of abuse. We are working on the hypothesis that the couple had an argument on the night of the alleged murder. According to the newspaper Levante EMV, the young woman called 112 to warn that Manuel was bleeding.

In Alcàsser, several neighbors expressed their regret and affection for Manuel, who had been struggling with problems of various kinds for some time. He lived in a three-story townhouse, rented out by the room, very close to his mother, whom he cared for and cared for since he stopped working in a factory several years ago and separated from his first wife, according to various explanations. Local people. He had two daughters. The alleged murderer was known in the city for working in a bar and being involved in a number of incidents. The neighbors had witnessed some arguments between the two on the street.

House on Castell de Alcàsser street where Manuel's violent death took place. House on Castell de Alcàsser street where Manuel’s violent death took place. MONICA TORRES

After the minute of silence and questions from the informants, the mayor of Alcàsser, Alberto Primo of the PP, explained that the sentence for “gender-based violence” must be separated from the recent deaths of two women in Orihuela and Castellón, since “the one that the Generalitat carried out “informed the President Carlos Mazón and the Vice President Susana Camarero” of the violent death of Manuel. “It’s not the same. We show our unconditional support to the family so that we can imagine how they are feeling. Of course we condemn any form of violence,” he added. The mayor emphasized that Manuel was a “very popular person in the city” and did not comment on the circumstances of the case because it was under “summary secrecy.”

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Close to the crime scene, two neighbors expressed discomfort at the presence of television cameras and refused to speak to journalists. Alcàsser’s name continues to be associated with the case that bears his name, namely the murder of three urban teenagers in 1992, whose sensationalism and tabloid coverage, particularly by some television channels, has been the subject of controversy.

The woman arrested by the Civil Guard in Alcàsser will be brought to court tomorrow, Tuesday. The Court No. 3 of Picassent heard this case, the proceedings of which were declared secret.

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