1695064244 Guylaine Potvin murder Grenon case requested to be dropped –

Guylaine Potvin murder: Grenon case requested to be dropped –

The hearing of the preliminary applications in the Marc-André Grenon case continued on Monday morning with the submission of a request for a stay of proceedings, which, if approved, would clear the man of the charges against him for the murder of a Cégep de Jonquière student in 2000.

Preliminary motions for the highly anticipated trial are scheduled for this week at the Chicoutimi Courthouse.

Because the trial is being heard by a jury, its content is currently subject to a publication ban.

The reasons given by the defense for the request to stay the proceedings cannot therefore be communicated. However, in the event of a positive decision by Judge François Huot at the request of the defense, Marc-André Grenon would be acquitted of the serious allegations of premeditated murder and sexual assault against him.

Marc-André Grenon

Photo provided by the Sûreté du Québec

Recall that the man is accused of the murder of Guylaine Potvin, who was violently killed after being sexually assaulted in her home in Jonquière in April 2000.

Marc-André Grenon

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Other requests

In the event that the judge refuses to order a stay of proceedings, the defense is also filing a motion this week to exclude evidence.

This motion is also subject to a publication ban to avoid contaminating a future jury.

Judge Huot will also have to decide shortly on an initial motion submitted by the defense some time ago. The request seeks to move the hearing of the trial to a district other than that of Chicoutimi, possibly Quebec.

According to defense attorney Karine Poliquin, Marc-André Grenon could not benefit from a fair and just trial at the scene of the murder of Guylaine Potvin due to the high media coverage of the case. According to the defense, this circumstance could make it difficult to form an impartial jury.

Judge Huot had indicated that he would make his decision on the change of venue at the end of the preliminary motions hearing.

Possible trial in January

The trial for premeditated murder of Marc-André Grenon could open in January 2024 if he remains in Chicoutimi.

Remember that it was new investigative techniques, particularly those related to genealogy, that made it possible to arrest the man for the crime that occurred more than 20 years ago.

Marc-André Grenon


Grenon is also accused of attempted murder and sexual assault of another student, this time from Quebec. The alleged incidents occurred just months after Guylaine Potvin’s death.

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