A dog owner is accused of criminal negligence –

A dog owner is accused of criminal negligence –

The trial of Patrick Houle for negligent bodily harm opened on Monday in Sherbrooke.

The owner of five Great Danes faces two charges related to alleged events that occurred on August 31, 2021 in Val-des-Sources. The dogs apparently escaped from the enclosure of the company Magnesium Technologies Recycles. They are said to have attacked three women who were cycling on the cycle path in the St-Barnabé sector. Two of them reportedly suffered minor injuries.

Micheline Beaulieu and Jacqueline Sévigny were bitten on the legs and arms. According to the information, 59-year-old Patrick Houle left the gate of the company premises open to allow his employees access. His guard dogs used the opportunity to escape. They explained this in their statement on Monday.

“It feels like it’s tearing our muscles, it hurts,” said Micheline Beaulieu, describing the effect of the bites. It destroyed my life. […] I don’t have a job anymore, I don’t have anything anymore.”

Under cross-examination, Patrick Houle’s lawyer asked him whether the defendant came to their aid and whether he showed compassion.

“No, he told me about his little things,” replied Micheline Beaulieu.[…] That he was robbed and that’s why he has guard dogs […]. I have physical injuries.”

Jacqueline Sévigny was also invited to testify. The complainant described the fear experienced on August 31, 2021.

“I closed my eyes,” she said. […] I was sure I was going to die.”

The lady needed stitches on her forearm. According to her, further complaints regarding these dogs were filed with the city of Val-des-Sources.

The story of Dominique Alain, who was brutally attacked by dogs in Potton in 2019, shocked all of Quebec. She wanted to accompany the complainants to support them.

They, along with other dog attack victims, spent the day at Sherbrooke Courthouse supporting the complainants, who were still reeling from the events two years later.

The prosecution is trying to prove that Patrick Houle acted criminally negligently. The trial runs until Thursday.