1695088227 Despite the effects of the earthquake the IMF and the

Despite the effects of the earthquake, the IMF and the World Bank hold their annual meetings in Morocco

Despite the effects of the earthquake the IMF and the

The annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank will take place next month in Marrakesh, Morocco, as originally planned. The two international economic organizations, together with local authorities, assessed the situation following the strong earthquake that struck the country on September 8 and affected the Marrakesh region. Finally, they decided to continue the meeting, which takes place every three years outside Washington in one of the member countries of the above-mentioned organizations.

World Bank President Ajay Banga, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva and Economy and Finance Minister of the Kingdom of Morocco Nadia Fettah Alaoui issued a joint statement on Monday. In it, they explain that since the devastating September 8 earthquake, World Bank and IMF staff have been working, in coordination with Moroccan authorities and a team of experts, to comprehensively assess Marrakech’s ability to host the 2023 annual meetings.

“In conducting this assessment, the key concerns were to ensure that the meetings did not interfere with important relief and recovery efforts and that the safety of participants could be ensured. Based on a careful review of the conclusions, the management of the World Bank and the IMF, together with the Moroccan authorities, agreed to hold the 2023 annual meeting in Marrakesh from October 9 to 15 and adapt the content to the circumstances. ” indicates the statement that does not specify the scope of this adjustment. On the IMF website you will find a comprehensive program to be carried out between October 9th and 15th, covering the key milestones of the annual meeting.

“With regard to the meetings, it is of the utmost importance that we conduct them in a way that does not hinder the ongoing relief efforts and that the victims and the Moroccan people are treated with respect. In these difficult times, we believe that the annual meetings also provide the international community with an opportunity to support Morocco and its people, who have once again demonstrated their resilience in the face of tragedy. We remain committed to ensuring the safety of all participants,” the statement concluded.

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