1695112099 Race between the parties that make up Sumar to capture

Race between the parties that make up Sumar to capture positions in successive acts

Sumar's spokesman Ernest Urtasun, this Monday at Espacio Rastro in Madrid.Sumar’s spokesman, Ernest Urtasun, this Monday at Espacio Rastro in Madrid.JAVIER LIZÓN (EFE)

The parties in the room to the left of the PSOE are multiplying their public events. At the beginning of a wavering political course, with the formation of the government in the air, the organizations of Sumar, the coalition led by Yolanda Díaz, are trying to redefine strategies and establish their own positioning. After Podemos launched on Saturday a debate process to set the party’s course for the next legislative period in a context already very different from the previous one, the platform of the incumbent second vice president announced for this Monday a meeting for next Saturday for “updating “ to your ideology.” This meeting, the opening of which will include a public intervention by Díaz that will allow the leader to take a stand against a future amnesty law a day after the event called by the PP, will once again involve the coordinators of the during the Working groups formed at the meeting will bring together the construction of the project, which is currently taking its first steps. At the end of an extensive agenda, the highest leadership body of the Izquierda Unida will also discuss its position on various current issues on Friday.

The political moment is crucial. The uncertainty about the viability of the legislature, which has until November 27 to carry out a hypothetical investiture of the socialist Pedro Sánchez – if, as predictably, that of the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, fails next week – and the negotiations with junts condition every discussion. In this context, parties are rushing to publicly clarify their programmatic priorities, as was seen last week in the congress press room, where up to five appearances by coalition MPs took place.

Sumar will do this on Saturday 23, in a day of “work and debate” on current issues with the experts in charge of the thematic groups set up since July 2022, as explained by the spokesman of the formation, Ernest Urtasun, without giving any further details. . The call comes just 48 hours after the opening ceremony of Podemos, which released a series of proposals in support of Sánchez on Saturday. Although Ione Belarra’s formation has never questioned the votes of its five deputies, its spokesmen insisted this Monday that they will be considered relevant by a future coalition government with the PSOE. “We believe that they are sensible, reasonable and useful to further improve life in this country (…) Every left-wing party will agree with them,” emphasized Pablo Fernández in the party’s press room. Among these measures, the party advocates freezing rents for the entire legislative period, raising the minimum wage to 1,500 euros or keeping Irene Montero at the head of Equality after she was excluded from the lists for the July 23 general elections. Urtasun has delayed all of these initiatives. “With full respect, we are a pluralistic space,” the MEP repeated to the media, without commenting on their assessment.

Internally, Podemos announced this Monday the schedule of its debate process to amend or ratify the political document published by the management on Saturday, which will include different phases. The party will hold meetings of its constituencies and regional leaders to provide input. Activists can also submit proposals individually and the resulting text will be put to a vote on November 2nd and 3rd before the political conference that will be used to re-found the party on November 4th.

In a context in which Sumar has yet to hold his first meeting and in which it remains to be seen how the various organizations will ultimately define their relationships around the project, the document presented by the party emphasizes that Podemos is an “autonomous, always its own roadmap, its own program, its governing bodies and its decision-making mechanisms.” He also points out that there is no “double militancy” in the formation, an explicit reminder to any position that wants to join Sumar. The text also demands that any future electoral agreement be held “open primaries, without restrictions and without vetoes” and contains veiled criticism of Díaz, mentioning that in the face of “hollow personalism, anti-party rhetoric and calls to overcome the organizations A speech about going beyond organizations given by the second vice president at the beginning of Sumar’s founding said: “We must value and defend organization and militancy.”

Izquierda Unida avoided taking a position this Monday on the condition of a double militancy against Sumar. Its federal spokeswoman, Sira Rego, has called a meeting of the party’s federal coordinator for next Friday, at which various topics of “interest” will be discussed. The meeting of the governing body, an event that will open with the speech of its chairman Alberto Garzón, will discuss the position of the IU regarding the inauguration of Feijóo and a hypothesis of Sánchez or questions related to the faction in which it is located, debate was ultimately left without a deputy speaker. Rego also set as a priority in a future government agreement with the Socialists the implementation of “ambitious and fair tax reform,” an old demand in this area, and refused for now to talk about what profiles each of them should occupy. the ministries.

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