Open RAN (Open Radio Access Network) technology is an evolution of mobile network architectures that allows operators to use non-proprietary solutions from different vendors and be controlled via open, interoperable interfaces. Joe Barry, vice president of systems and technology in Analog Devices’ communications and cloud unit, explains in detail for ViPress the specifics of Open RAN and the status of its deployment, particularly in Europe.
How can we define Open RAN technology?
Joe Barry – Mobile networks essentially consist of two elements: On the one hand, the “core”, which controls the network and processes the data; On the other hand, there is the radio access network (RAN – Radio Access Network), which connects devices and devices such as smartphones.
In traditional cellular networks, a single company, also called a “system integrator,” provides the entire network infrastructure (hardware and software), from the antennas mounted on the cell towers to the technology integrated into the heart of the network. These “closed” infrastructures are characterized by specific functions and proprietary interfaces.
Open RAN networks (or O-RAN networks) differ in that they allow multiple providers to contribute to their operation by creating open interfaces between the different entities that make up the RAN network, particularly the radio unit ( RU, Radio Unit) and the Distributed Unit (DU) and the Central Unit (CU). Because protocols and interfaces are standardized, network operators can use equipment and software from different vendors. This “openness” makes the system more flexible and promotes innovation.
What are the goals of Open RAN technology?
Joe Barry – The openness of the network allows operators to choose solutions that meet their needs and, if necessary, acquire hardware and software from different providers, but also add new functionalities and continuously benefit from new technologies developed by third parties: With others In other words, this openness encourages the development of new and original applications and solutions while accelerating innovation.
The standardization of Open RAN interfaces and protocols will also help increase the number of providers in the market and make the network more flexible by giving operators the ability to deploy networks with a wider range of features and services .
What types of networks is this technology intended for? For which applications? Does it affect both public and private networks?
Joe Barry – Designed for 4G, 5G and future networks, Open RAN technology is suitable for high-speed public and private cellular infrastructures. It is important to emphasize that all network elements except the Radio Unit (RU) can be virtualized, meaning they can run on a cloud server. In addition to network flexibility, this virtualization helps make private 5G networks more attractive, with use cases covering many applications, from healthcare to production tools.
What problems does this technology solve for device manufacturers and operators?
Joe Barry – Open RAN technology expands the choice of providers for operators, encourages innovation and expands the market available to device manufacturers. In addition to the radio access networks, it also opens up the entire market.
The standard interfaces of Open RAN technology remove barriers to market entry and create innovation space for new entrants who can develop new products with features that improve performance and efficiency. With this interoperability, device manufacturers can more easily integrate their products into different networks. Finally, the virtualization of radio access networks and the introduction of software solutions reduce the dependence on proprietary equipment, allowing manufacturers to offer more flexible and scalable solutions.
On the operator side, this opening helps to promote supplier diversity, improve supply chain resilience and expand the choice of products and services, leading to an expansion of the range of new products and services. In addition, the use of open and standardized interfaces saves operators from purchasing expensive proprietary solutions and thus promotes the use of hardware and software available on the market. Operators can also choose components that meet their specific needs by integrating new technologies or features. The modularity and interoperability of Open RAN technology also makes network upgrades easier: operators can introduce new features without disrupting network operations.
What are the key technological building blocks of an Open RAN network? How does an Open RAN network work? Has the network architecture changed? If yes how?
Joe Barry – Open RAN technology works in the same way as a traditional RAN radio access network, but has open interfaces between different nodes. With the development of technology, the network architecture has become fragmented: in a classic network, a base band unit (BBU, Base Band Unit) is installed at the base of a tower and connected to remote radio units (RRU, Remote Radio Units) or radio units (RU, Radio Units). , which are positioned on top of the towers near the antennas. The whole thing forms the “base station” or “mobile communications tower”.
4G has slightly separated baseband units (BBU) and radio units (RU). But with 5G, the BBU installed at the base of the tower is even more divided and now consists of three elements: A distributed unit (DU), located near the top of the tower, is connected to the radio unit (RU). unit) and a central processing unit (CU), which can be several kilometers away. With Open RAN technology, RU, DU and CU units connect via open interfaces. Also worth mentioning is the “intelligent RAN controller,” an important new body that makes the network smarter by running applications at the edge, as close as possible to the phones or connected devices.
What is an Intelligent RAN Controller?
Joe Barry – As the name suggests, the goal of a RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) is to make a RAN more intelligent, that is, more flexible and more responsive to the evolution of the network and the needs of users.
The RIC controller extends traditional RRM (Remote Radio Management) capabilities by leveraging data processed through machine learning and artificial intelligence tools. This intelligence allows the network to dynamically allocate and manage radio resources, optimizing traffic flow and improving overall performance. Additionally, the RIC can make real-time decisions based on network status, user needs and other relevant factors to ensure an efficient and seamless experience.
What is Open RAN technology changing in terms of cost, security and cybersecurity?
Joe Barry – Simply put, Open RAN technology will drive innovation and competition between vendors, generally leading to lower costs. When it comes to security, open platforms that rely on strong developer communities have proven to be more secure than closed environments due to the diversity of users creating and testing code. L’O-RAN Alliance deals directly with security issues through a working group.
Where are we in the use of Open RAN technology?
Joe Barry – It is already being used worldwide. While Japan has extensive coverage, Open RAN networks are also deployed in Europe, North America and other parts of Asia.
Where does Europe stand in terms of the further development and deployment of Open RAN technology?
Joe Barry – Several European operators have launched programs, including 1&1 and Deutsche Telekom in Germany and Vodafone in the UK. Until now, these operators have focused on creating infrastructure in areas that were not previously covered. However, the situation could change with new investments in favor of the Open RAN movement.
According to one Study recently published by Dell’OroAccording to estimates, global sales of Open RAN technology are expected to account for more than 15% of RAN technology by 2027, noting that the European market could exceed $1 billion by the same date.
What are the main Open RAN projects underway in Europe? Is Europe ahead or behind? Is there a risk of dependence on Asian or American device manufacturers?
Joe Barry – Despite leading the way in terms of targets, European operators are relatively cautious as we are still in the early stages of 5G, which poses a significant financial challenge for operators. THE current white paper The reports written by the five largest European operators (Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telecom Italia (TIM), Telefónica and Vodafone) also reflect this sentiment. For example, while emphasizing that Orange is committed to only using products compatible with O-RAN technology in network upgrades from 2025, the document also notes that commitments under contracts already concluded with suppliers continue to slow the transition to Open RAN technology. When these contracts expire, namely from 2025, Europe should be able to catch up quickly.
Nevertheless, we are seeing progress in Europe. For example, Vodafone opened the first 5G Open RAN site in Bath, UK, early last year and has since been working with Samsung to roll out Open RAN technology across Europe, including Germany and Spain, both in pilot projects and through the To promote deployment of virtual RAN networks (vRAN).
We believe that collaboration and adopting a partnership approach will play a key role in driving innovation across the industry in the future.
What challenges does Open RAN technology face, be it in terms of technology, deployment or adoption?
Joe Barry – The O-RAN Alliance has made significant progress in defining robust interface standards and creating reference designs for multiple network nodes, including Radio Units (RUs), Distributed Units (DUs), and the RIC Intelligent Controller. The test protocols are also standardized. Although these programs are, by definition, constantly evolving as the network continues to improve, it is important to note that many interfaces are stable. For example, in the radio unit, an area in which Analog Devices is directly involved, the interface between the small cell and macro cell radio units is very stable. In addition, other providers are emerging in this market. In terms of adoption, generational change is occurring more slowly in hardware-oriented markets than in software-oriented segments.
How will Open RAN technology change the mobile network ecosystem and with which new players?
Joe Barry – The number of providers present on the market will increase and with it the product range. Several newcomers are already offering radios, complete network stacks, applications, etc. The O-RAN Alliance has more than 300 contributing companies, a number that has grown significantly over time from approximately 40 originally.
How does Analog Devices feel about Open RAN technology?
Joe Barry – As a pioneer of this technology, a contributing member of the O-RAN Alliance and an active member of other organizations dedicated to Open RAN networks, Analog Devices believes that diversifying vendors is beneficial to the long-term stability, security and innovation of the cellular infrastructure .