Greenland how does the film starring Gerard Butler end

Greenland, how does the film starring Gerard Butler end?

Among the few films released during the complex period of the pandemic was Greenland, film with Gerard Butler and Morena Beccarin. The film is an apocalyptic drama that suspects a global catastrophe and tells the story of a father trying to save his family.

Although originally Chris Evans, the actor, was supposed to be the protagonist of Greenland he decided to cancel the project together with the director who was originally commissioned to produce the film. However, the separate production did not lead to the project being archived, but rather to its rebirth, this time in a film with one of the stars par excellence, who has been appearing for years in films in which the characters play the main role Your only goal is survival.

Starting with a meteor shower, Greenland simply tells of the consequences of a natural disaster that could lead to the extinction of humanity. Meanwhile, military authorities are trying to send many citizens to some bunkers to wait for the threat to subside. The film largely follows the protagonists’ attempts to save his diabetic wife and son. As always in films of this type, they manage to save themselves after an accident in Greenland thanks to the last-minute intervention of some military vehicles. Only after 9 months, The emergency will subside so that people can leave the bunkers.

To find out more about the film, we recommend our review of Greenland. What do you think? Tell us in the comments!