Quebec City Council Jackie Smith sits with her 4 month old daughter

Quebec City Council: Jackie Smith sits with her 4-month-old daughter – Le Journal de Québec

After returning from maternity leave, Limoilou city councilor Jackie Smith sat on the Quebec City Council with her four-month-old daughter on Tuesday, a first at city hall.

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Ms. Smith is the first city councilor to give birth while in office in Quebec City, the elected official’s office said. She wants to pave the way for other women.

Function designed for men

“Like others before me, I hold a position designed for men of a certain age, and sometimes we have to make our way on foot so that institutions can evolve. Sitting on the board with my daughter is another step, we will see how things develop and adapt. I want to help make it easier for those who follow,” Jackie Smith said in a press release.

That’s why little Daphnée was present at the meeting on Tuesday and spent most of the time sleeping in the stroller.

“I have had time to take a step back and I come back motivated by the progress made since the election. I may be Transition Québec’s only elected official, but it is clear that our ideas are evolving and are often echoed by my colleagues,” said Ms. Smith.

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