1695351266 Alejandro Fernandez vs Pepe Aguilar New cockfight between the dynasties

Alejandro Fernández vs. Pepe Aguilar: New cockfight between the dynasties

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – MAY 20: Singer Alejandro Fernande performs during a concert at Plaza de Toros on May 20, 2023 in Mexico City, Mexico.  (Photo by Jaime Nogales/Medios y Media/Getty Images)

Alejandro Fernández during his concert at the Plaza de Toros in May 2023 in Mexico City (Credit: Jaime Nogales/Medios y Media/Getty Images).

In the song “Pelea de gallos” there is a verse that says, “When they release the roosters, trembling with anger, there is no one who breaks, who can hold on,” and there is no better way to describe it the discussion that develops between Alejandro Fernández and Pepe Aguilar, one that adds up to alleged arguments that drag on for years. “The fight is already beginning, the bets are already made, the knives are sparkling in the sun.”

It all started at one of Potrillo’s last concerts, when the singer invited Alex Fernández Jr., his eldest son, who also wants to preserve the Fernández dynasty in Mexican music, to the stage. “I would not support any of my children if I did not have the certainty that my children have the talent to offer something to the public,” he said, according to a video shared on social media.

When asked for applause for his firstborn, the singer simply said “Alex” as if no introduction was needed as fans’ cheers exploded. But perhaps it was the same young man who ended the lecture, because only one other person can be heard saying “Fernández”, which caused some laughter, including that of the interpreter of “Like someone who loses a star”.

“No way, Aguilar, asshole,” he replied, pausing for a moment and adding, “That would worry me a lot.”

Whether it was a bitter joke, an unconscious thought or an insult, whatever the intention, the words have reached the patriarch of the Aguilar dynasty himself and, well, he seems annoyed..

As children of two other regional greats – Vicente Fernández and Antonio Aguilar – both Alejandro and Pepe have supported their offspring’s interest in continuing the musical lineage.

There are small differences between the families, such as the fact that Ángela and Leonardo started at a very young age and spent a large part of their careers alongside their father Pepe Aguilar, and that Álex only started at five years old, to find his way.

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Although this would be the case the first major controversy that Álex is involved in thanks to his father, Angela was subjected to rigorous scrutiny for several months, as if the performances with Pepe were failing because of her or that the fans were ignoring her even at their own concerts.

And there is another small but big difference: the leader of the Aguilar family has always come to the defense of his daughter, several times in a sensitive way.

Pepe Aguilar has not commented publicly on what Alejandro Fernández said, but through the stories (those messages that only last a day) the interpreter of “Por mujeres como tú” would have sent Potrillo a tip. “Don’t be mad at the assholes, they’re not evil, they’re just assholes. Breathe in, breathe out, think: Poor guy, he’s stupid,” was the message he shared.

According to a television report presented on Sale el Sol in 2019, Fernández and Aguilar engage in a battle of egos. “Pepe told me that he felt like he had been left out because he said he didn’t have the body type of the others (…). Alejandro is completely casual, the same thing he comes out with long hair or short hair, “What a beard, how disheveled, with his shirt open, he doesn’t care about the picture,” said the journalist Juan Carlos Cuéllar.

Another reason for this rivalry would be the recognition of their colleagues. On the one hand, Pepe Aguilar has been awarded four Grammys and seven nominations and four Latin Grammys and 17 nominations, Alejandro Fernández has only three Latin Grammys and ten nominations and four Grammy nominations.

“In 2008, Alejandro wanted revenge on the Grammys. They hadn’t thought about it, they paid a lot of attention to Pepe and others and he didn’t win, they didn’t nominate him. We invented a strategy that did that.” “It didn’t quite work, but we wanted to invent something that would make him concentrate in a musical sense,” said Víctor Hugo Sánchez.

In an interview with Gustavo Adolfo Infante, he asked Aguilar directly if there was any kind of enmity. He acknowledged that there was great affection between the families, but the person with whom he was least connected was Alejandro, but there was respect.

“We understand each other, but once you reach a certain level of work and understanding of this business, and I dare to speak for myself and for many of my colleagues, there is no longer any jealousy, anger or bad mood. You understand and respect the sacred things.” “I have great respect for all my colleagues. We were friends once and still are, but without seeing each other that often,” he said.

Unfortunately, Alejandro has crossed the line and must take responsibility for his words. And I hope that their children don’t get involved in their parents’ supposedly old arguments.


Anne Hathaway used to feel “uncomfortable” in certain outfits.