1695420521 Giulia Salemi freezes about Big Brother the relationship with Signorini

Giulia Salemi freezes about Big Brother, the relationship with Signorini and the reason for his exclusion

The disappointment is obviously still felt and there is an undeniable certain disappointment in the choice of those who no longer wanted her behind her friend’s tablet. On the other hand, since the start of the show, the influencer never mentioned, even accidentally, the new edition of Signorini’s reality show and the debut of his successor Rebecca Staffelli.

Giulia Salemi freezes about Big Brother the relationship with Signorini

Giulia Salemi He may have ended his relationships forever Big Brother. An experience, that of a social commentator on reality TV, that was abruptly interrupted Editorial change imposed by the network. THE Reasons for his departure They seem to have more to do with the company, as relations with Alfonso Signorini were apparently excellent and the Italian-Persian influencer’s social following was an excellent driving force for the prime-time broadcast on Canale 5.

Giulia Salemi’s present between fashion and television

He recently debuted as a guest in Alberto Matano’s studio at La Vita in Diretta. Apparently his role will be to be a recurring presence on Rai 1’s afternoon program and cover current events. An experience that has the value of one Debut on Rai important and fits well with the image of activist influencer that Salemi has decided to make a name for herself for some time now. Last November, she was chosen as the face of a government awareness campaign against violence against women and used the opportunity to advocate for the situation of women in Iran.

Her new role, distancing herself from that of a simple image girl testing beauty products on social media, would not have been fully understood by Mediaset, which decided to exclude her when Big Brother opted for a less frivolous editorial line. This is probably why, on the occasion of Fashion Week, when asked about the topic, Fanpage.it answered: “Salemi ice cream with a very large bucket”No comment“.

Giulia Salemi breaks the silence on Pretelli: “Goodbye is not an option,” replies Pierpaolo

The relationship with Signorini and the rift with his girlfriend

The disappointment is obviously still felt and there is an undeniable certain disappointment in the choice of those who no longer wanted her behind her friend’s tablet. On the other hand, since the start of the show, the influencer never mentioned, even accidentally, the new edition of Signorini’s reality show and its debut Substitute player Rebecca Staffelli. No luck or anything. It is now clear that after a wave of interest in the social world, the company’s interest in fandoms on Twitter has waned significantly and the following of the “*smart with the tablet“ was undoubtedly important in this sense.

In short, they had nothing to do with his departure Relations with Alfonso Signorini. The presenter also played an important role in the influencer’s love life, acting as a “cupid” between her and her boyfriend Pierpolo Pretelli so that there would be no hatred between them. At Giulia Salemi’s 30th birthday party last April, the two looked more attuned than ever. In short, friends as before.