Crusoe Netanyahu says he is close to a peace deal

Crusoe: Netanyahu says he is close to a peace deal with Saudi Arabia The Antagonist

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (photo) told the UN General Assembly on Friday 22 that his country is close to reaching a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia.

“I believe we are on the threshold of an even more dramatic breakthrough a historic peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia. This peace will go a long way toward ending the ArabIsraeli conflict. It will encourage other Arab states to normalize their relations with Israel. It will increase the prospects for peace with the Palestinians. It will promote greater reconciliation between Judaism and Islam, between Jerusalem and Mecca, between the descendants of Isaac and the descendants of Ishmael. These are all tremendous blessings,” the Prime Minister said.

Netanyahu showed a map of the Middle East in 1948 and another labeled “The New Middle East.” He declared: “Peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia will truly create a new Middle East.”

“In our first seven years we made peace with Egypt and Jordan. And then in 2020 we made the Abraham Accords peace with four other Arab states. Now look at what happens if we make peace between Saudi Arabia and Israel. The entire Middle East is changing. We tear down the walls of hostility. We bring the possibility of prosperity and peace to the entire region.”

Since 2020…

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