Aracely’s lawyer assures that Luis Miguel has not paid maintenance for his children Who

Aracely’s lawyer assures that Luis Miguel has not paid any maintenance for his children

This week the Spanish media published the alleged evidence of this again Luis Miguel He is not in debt to Miguel and Daniel, 16 and 14 years old respectively. The document from the General Directorate of the Registry Office indicates that there is no claim in connection with the singer’s late payment.

As for the accuracy of the document, WHO contacted Guillermo Pous, who represented the actress in this matter until about six months ago, and clarified that the existence of this official document is not proof that he is not a debtor father.

This is one of the few photos of Daniel, the eldest son of Luis Miguel and Aracely Arámbula. (Instagram)

“The document is real, it would be very sensitive if it had been forged, but I will explain it to you: for someone to appear as a defaulter on maintenance, they must have been sued before a judge for non-compliance.” “We must have an order or a We have issued a letter requesting that this person be registered as a food debtor in default,” explained the legal expert.

Regarding the status of Aracely Arámbula’s legal proceedings against the ex, Pous explained that he could assume that “to date, Ms. Arambula has either not filed a lawsuit or that she is at the stage where she is in these proceedings , in which she…” Although she claims that she is being paid child support, she is not yet at the point where the judge has made that order. What is the consequence of this? Well, if you ask this institution, which is part of the authority, if Luis Miguel is a defaulter and does not have instructions from the judge, it will say “no” because it has not registered it, which does not mean that he pays . That means it is a real document, it is an updated document, but according to the current situation it is not true.”