A tightrope walk in Espace Go

A tightrope walk in Espace Go

The room Rope lives up to its name. The tension is palpable from start to finish in this production, which is superbly performed and skilfully staged by Alexia Bürger in the Espace Go.

This unique thriller was translated by Fanny Britt and written in 2015 by Brit Debbie Tucker Green (who spells her name without capital letters in a rejection of convention). With her economy of words, her silence and her unspoken words, the author transforms the protagonists’ words into meaningful and emotional answers. The plot is revealed gradually, leading the viewer to question everyone’s motives.

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Talented actors

To appreciate the excitement of this story, it’s best to reveal as little of the backstory as possible. To summarize very briefly: Let’s just say that a black woman who has something terrible happen to her has to make a decision about who is responsible for her misfortune. This angry victim, wonderfully played by Stephie Mazunya, meets two officials responsible for confiscating her election.

This awkward duo is carried brilliantly by Patrice Dubois and Eve Landry. In theory, they shouldn’t try to influence the victim, but their hesitation, eagerness, and words betray their intentions. Equipped with tap shoes, these two actors regularly use them to mark the rhythm, express discomfort or emotion. This original process works perfectly because it adds depth to the subject.

Impeccable scenography

The acting has a precision worthy of a watchmaker. The dialogues and pauses work together perfectly to distill the tension and make the audience imagine what is happening, what has happened and what will happen later.

With plays of light and shadow and sophisticated decor, the scenography creates an atmosphere that fits the theme well. And the staging makes this closed session heavy and mysterious.

Black humor characterizes this show, which also flirts with the absurd and is realistic at the same time. A rare mixture that is proving to be very successful.

Tightrope walk ★★★★☆

  • Presented at Espace Go until October 15th.