Hunters must adapt to the climate –

Hunters must adapt to the climate –

The hunting season is just around the corner and you can feel it in the businesses in the Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean region. Hunters are making final preparations before heading into the forest, but the season may differ from the previous due to climate change, among other things.

“I can’t wait, it’s really my passion. It is a pleasure to be in the forest, relax and see other animals in nature,” admitted a hunter.

You can feel that in the shops. The fire has been burning in the Chasse et Pêche in Chicoutimi since the beginning of August.

“It’s crazy, it’s the ultimate excitement, one day before the opening in Zone 28!” shouted the store’s owner, Éric Lapointe.

Best season

Last year hunting was more restricted as only females were allowed to hunt. This year it’s much more revealing. Females, males and calves are permitted.

“The hunting will probably be good, I think the temperature will be with us at the end of the week,” confided Tommy Plante, manager of the Chasse et Pêche boutique in Chicoutimi.

The climate, a challenge

A rise in mercury is expected, especially at the end of the week. This is another challenge for hunters, who must increasingly adapt to global warming and show ingenuity to protect their game.

“After a few hours of research at a temperature of 20 degrees, we are already starting to get into danger. The big trend in recent years is to make large coolers,” noted Mr. Lapointe.

That’s $4,000 well spent for a hunter who bought a large cooler this year to ensure his meat stays fresh.

“This year we chose equipment that would allow us to save the animal if we killed it. “This is important because today, in the face of climate change, we have to adapt, so we decided to invest,” he said.

Due to the hot weather, the animals will also be more discreet. Hunters need to renew their hunting techniques and, above all, adjust their schedule. According to the owner of Chasse et Pêche Chicoutimi, morning and evening hunts will be the most profitable.

According to him, animals are likely to be present in greater abundance, possibly due to climate change.

“Was it the spread of the fire that caused the game to fail? Possible. But mysteriously, I think we will have a very good crop year this year,” he added.

As for the lack of ammunition, which has been a headache for many since the pandemic, there is no problem, assured Tommy Plante. “Ammunition has been in short supply for several years, but we have managed to help the world,” said Tommy Plante. -he explained, confidently.

safety first

A firearms safety reminder is required before departure.

“When it comes to vehicles, it is completely prohibited, whether they are recreational vehicles or whatever type of vehicle they are. It must always be treated as if it were loaded by checking whether there is ammunition inside or not. The safety must be activated,” recalls Éric Lapointe.

As soon as the sun rises tomorrow [samedi]Many hunters roam the forests of Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean in search of game.