1695431806 We are on the verge of historic peace between Israel

“We are on the verge of historic peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia,” says Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations I24 i24 en Français

Two key areas were mentioned by the Prime Minister: the possibility of a historic peace agreement with Saudi Arabia and the Iranian threat

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the 78th UN General Assembly, his first speech in New York since 2018. Netanyahu, who was apparently suffering from a cold, began his speech by alluding to a biblical prophet: Moses, who died 3,000 years ago addressed the people of Israel and commanded them to choose between “the mountain of blessing” and the “mountain of curse”. “We face a decision today that will determine whether we move toward historic peace and hope or toward war, terrorism and despair,” he continued. Netanyahu recalled his last speeches five years ago. “The criticism was based on a false idea: we must first achieve peace with the Palestinians before normalizing our relations with Arab countries.”

In his speech, Netanyahu castigated the “so-called” experts and recalled that Israel, under the aegis of the United States, forged four peace treaties with Arab countries: the so-called Abraham Accords; and this is contrary to the opinion of many conflict resolution experts. The Prime Minister recalled the historic nature of these agreements and the numerous exchanges now possible between Israel and the signatory countries. At this stage of the speech came the crown jewel: the long-awaited normalization of relations with the Saudi giant, the cornerstone of Israel’s full integration in the region.

The long-awaited peace agreement with the Saudis

“We are on the verge of a historic peace agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia,” Netanyahu said. And he adds that the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael will now be even closer together after this normalization of their relationships.

“Israel can become a bridge of peace and prosperity between Asia and Europe”

The Prime Minister then made his point clear by unveiling a map of the Middle East on the United Nations platform in 1948, in a production he liked. Netanyahu recalled that in 1948 Israel was a small, isolated state surrounded by a hostile Arab world. “We will tear down the walls of hostility. A few years ago I stood here with a marker to point out the Iranian curse, and today I use the same marker to point out the new Middle East.” And Netanyahu is marking in red these new trade routes that cross the Middle East and Asia with Europe will connect.

Mahmoud Abbas and the Iranian threat

Referring to his Palestinian counterpart, Netanyahu reiterated that “Mahmoud Abbas must stop his terrible anti-Semitic statements against the Jewish people and the Jewish state.” “The PA must stop funding terrorists who kill Jews. Anti-Semitism must be rejected wherever it is expressed. For peace, Palestinians must stop spreading anti-Semitism and accept the right of Jews to live in their historic homeland. The people of Israel want peace, I want peace.” However, the prime minister did not comment on possible concessions to the Palestinians in the search for a final agreement with the Kingdom of Saud.

SAUL LOEB / AFPSAUL LOEB / AFPSaudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and US President Joe Biden

Netanyahu then recalled the unwavering support of the United States towards the normalization of relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia and the indispensable leadership of President Biden. The Prime Minister did not miss a reference to President Trump and his key role in the Abraham Accords. Second focus of the speech: the Iranian threat. The Iranian representative’s seat was empty as Netanyahu continued his speech, discussing the Islamic Republic’s many negative actions in the Middle East. “Iran is not fulfilling its obligations, but sanctions have not been reinstated.” What followed was a very remarkable sentence, as Netanyahu made it clear that Iran must face a “credible nuclear threat,” without specifying exactly what he meant with this sentence. Comments that subsequently withdrew his services. The wording of the speech referred to a credible “military” “The threat is directed against the Iranian nuclear program and not against “nuclear,” the Prime Minister’s Office assured, citing “a misinterpretation.”

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