"Movements at atomic locations". Alarm about the escalation of China, Russia and the USA

China, Russia and the United States are expanding their i Nuclear tests. This is the alarm message of a CNN article, according to which satellite images of the Chinese nuclear site in Xinjiang, the Russian one in the Arctic and the American one in Nevada show how work has been carried out to expand the structures and excavate new tunnels, to which there is still a significant increase of vehicle traffic is added.

Nuclear rhetoric

The evidence therefore seems to indicate that the three superpowers, engaged in a new Cold War, no longer bipolar as in the 20th century, but multipolar and multidimensional, are also focusing on what remains the nightmare of Observers, leaders and public opinion: a Nuclear war. The danger is certainly not immediate. However, you can’t hide, especially from the start War in Ukraine The question of the use of nuclear weapons, whether strategic or tactical, has been resolved to a certain extent.

Even if this can be summarized as a simple threat without any specificity, this does not exclude that the narrative has changed significantly compared to a few years ago. And this is confirmed both by the withdrawal from the agreements signed in previous decades and by a renewal of the nuclear and missile programs.

In this sense, the words of the Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg in the show “In Mezz’ora” they appear clearly. “We see no immediate military threat to NATO allies,” Stoltenberg reassured, but “Russia’s nuclear rhetoric is dangerous and reckless,” the Secretary General of the Atlantic Alliance continued, and for this reason “we need strong deterrence and defense.”

The other fronts

Meanwhile, the agreements signed by Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un have brought attention back into the spotlight North Korea, in which the regime has always used the nuclear threat as a diplomatic tool. And the always current topic of Iranian nuclear programwhich recently became the focus of the international debate again thanks to the words of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations.

“As long as I am Prime Minister of Israel, I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons,” said the Prime Minister of the Jewish state. Words that confirm the danger that the shadow war between Iran and Israel will explode at a higher level without a renewed agreement between Tehran, the IAEA and Washington.