Promoting collaborative research to accelerate the transition to a green

Promoting collaborative research to accelerate the transition to a green economy – Le Devoir

Quebec has high ambitions for greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions, and research and technological innovation represent key levers that will enable the country to achieve its environmental goals more quickly. Here is an overview of the initiatives accelerating the transition to a green economy, including the Joint Research and Development (RD) funding program INNOV-R, a key pillar of this approach.

To address the climate emergency, Quebec has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 37.5% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, with the ultimate goal of achieving carbon neutrality in 2050. The government is implementing numerous strategies in various economic sectors to achieve its ambitious goals and its determination to actively contribute to the climate solution.

In 2013, the Quebec government introduced a cap-and-trade emissions permit system to regulate the activities of large companies that emit greenhouse gases. More than $750 billion has been raised since the carbon market was launched, and most of these funds have been reinvested in projects to combat climate change. Quebec is therefore committed to a sustainable economy by supporting companies to reduce their carbon footprint and thereby become more resilient.

Financing collaborative innovations to decarbonize the economy

One thing is certain: solving environmental problems, which are often very complex, requires innovation and collaboration among various stakeholders. For this reason, several funding programs have been created to enable new research and development projects aimed at reducing Quebec’s environmental footprint.

Among these, the INNOV-R program, a real climate change accelerator, promotes the emergence of innovative practices by focusing on collaboration between companies and public research actors. The program aims, among other things, to encourage the emergence and support the patenting of new technologies and innovative practices that will enable Quebec to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, promote the dissemination of new knowledge regarding greenhouse gas reduction and stimulate consultation between stakeholders the research and innovation area.

Launched in 2018, INNOV-R is one of the many funding programs established by Quebec’s Sectoral Industrial Research Regroupments (RSRI). Its mission: to support an innovation ecosystem that promotes the development of strategic economic sectors for the benefit of Quebec companies, research centers and society.

The RSRIs designated by the Government of Quebec act as funding and collaboration facilitators for R&D projects. Nine in number support the excellence of key sectors of Quebec’s economy, namely: biopharmaceuticals, medical technology, aluminum, aerospace, metal processing, advanced materials development, digital technology transformation, electrical energy and transportation, and industrial bioprocesses.

Support from the INNOV-R program can be a real game-changer when it comes to making projects successful. In fact, eligible organizations – companies, public research institutes – can receive a non-refundable and one-off financial contribution totaling up to 50% of eligible expenses. By combining this contribution with other financing programs, up to 80% of eligible project expenses can be covered by public funds.

Finally, if an initiative supports the fight against climate change without aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Quebec, other options are available. Therefore, each RSRI displays a list of funding programs on its website.

The future begins now

The INNOV-R program funds successful projects that have had or will have tangible benefits in reducing greenhouse gases in Quebec. For example, Laval University and Kruger received funding to develop building materials that require less energy throughout their life cycle (extraction, conversion, transport, maintenance). This support allows them to develop bio-based insulation and membranes made from cellulose filaments that reduce the carbon footprint of the built environment.

Another promising partnership: that of the company Camso and the National Research Council Canada to develop electric and autonomous agricultural vehicles. The new technologies resulting from this collaboration will help make this key sector of our economy more environmentally friendly.

A third initiative, resulting from a collaboration between the Innovative Vehicle Institute (IVI), Hydro-Québec, AddÉnergie, Autobus Laval and Lion Electric Company, led to the creation of a new subsidiary, Cléo, which supports vehicle fleet operators in the region electrifying their vehicles Fleet and the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of transport electrification.

An ecosystem that promotes networking between industry and the research community

RSRIs are proving to be a gateway to supporting collaborative research and development projects aimed at proposing solutions to climate disruption. They mobilize the creativity of companies and the expertise of public research institutes with the critical goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Quebec. Funding from the RSRI also makes it possible to reduce the financial burden on companies in connection with research and development (concept of “de-risking”). Thus, this collaborative approach enables the costs and risks associated with research and development to be shared.
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The sector-specific industrial research groups (RSRI) represent Quebec’s flagship sectors and are tasked with building and supporting a collaborative innovation ecosystem conducive to the development of strategic economic sectors for the benefit of Quebec companies, research centers and society. Information:

This content was created by Le Devoir’s special publications team in collaboration with the advertiser. The Le Devoir editorial team was not involved in the creation of this content.

Find out more about INNOV-R