Lavrov’s speech to the UN, a “stunning defense of the new multipolar order” Sputnik

00:51 GMT, September 24, 2023

Rodrigo Duarte

Correspondent in Mexico

Russia’s foreign policy chief Sergei Lavrov addressed the United Nations on issues such as the danger of renewed US expansionist attempts and the importance of the geopolitical movement led by his country and China in creating a more inclusive and plural world. Sputnik spoke to experts to analyze its intervention.

Read more SputnikIn his long-awaited speech delivered this Saturday, September 23, to the United Nations General Assembly, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov criticized the United States and Europe for “don’t want a multipolar world,” They call for a more equitable distribution of resources and highlight partnerships such as BRICS, which offer opportunities for development for countries in the Global South.

This strong defense of the new international order led by Beijing and Moscow and consideration of what he called an “emerging multipolar architecture” were the most notable points of the Russian chancellor’s speech, according to experts polled by Sputnik.

Analysts also highlighted Lavrov’s complaints to NATO’s new expansionism (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in several regions of the world and its demand to end the blockade of Cuba and the sanctions against Venezuela that Washington maintains in both cases.

“Chancellor Lavrov’s words are important because they represent an alternative point of view to the Western discourse and that of its media. At its core, his speech revolves around the question: What kind of international order, of global governance, should we defend positively?” “We will influence the most people?” estimates David García, lecturer in international relations and graduate of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)..

“And a session of the General Assembly of Nations is an unbeatable platform to address this issue, as it is the most democratic body of this organization, since each of the 193 states that make up it has one vote,” he added. also a foreign policy analyst.

In this sense, the expert noted that in his speech, Lavrov called for balancing the balance by strongly defending the new multipolar order and the importance of listening to all countries and their needs; hence the denunciation of the United States and its partners for focusing exclusively on the conflict in Ukraine during the General Assembly in order to promote their own interests and ignore the problems of the other countries.

And he adds: “What Foreign Minister Lavrov is asking for is not to glorify the (Ukrainian) conflict as if it were the only problem when there are so many other world problems that should be a priority, but now international institutions, especially due to of pressure.” from the States “The United States and its NATO partners have decided not to deal with this, as it is more profitable for them to concentrate on promoting an anti-Russian campaign.”

García also highlighted the Slavic country’s foreign minister’s condemnation of the US trade blockade of Cuba and called for the lifting of the embargo and the lifting of sanctions against Syria and Venezuela.

Lavrov also welcomed the process of normalization of relations between Syria and Turkey and called on the United States and the European Union not to intervene in the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia. In another passage of his speech, the Russian official stated that “a new world order is being born before our eyes” and pointed out that the West sees NATO’s advance in the Asia-Pacific region as an advantage while supporting the expansion of the BRICS states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) see its territory as a threat. “Empire of lies”: Lavrov accuses the US of failing to fulfill its obligations to the rest of the world

Likewise, the minister emphasized that “a global minority is doing everything to stop the natural course of things,” and illustrated this with the growth of associations such as the aforementioned BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).

These blocks, he estimated “offer opportunities for countries in the global south develop together and regain their leading position in the objectively emerging multipolar architecture.

At the same time, Lavrov said there was a strong impression that the United States and the “Western collective, which is completely subordinate to it,” had decided to give the Monroe Doctrine a “global projection,” pointing to the various regional alliances, which the United States had closed in the Asia-Pacific region. Pacific with the aim of counteracting the growth of China and Russia in their natural sphere of influence. Does the US want to make the Indo-Pacific region its new backyard?

For teacher Sandra Kanety, research professor at the Center for International Relations of the Faculty of Political Sciences at UNAM, the Russian Chancellor wanted to remind the rest of the countries the dangers of imperialist logic carried out by the United States and its Western partners beyond their own borders.

“Russia has strengthened its relations with countries such as China and Brazil, as well as the entire global south, in recent years, which is why Foreign Minister Lavrov is using his podium to reiterate their demands, show solidarity with their problems and show very important.” “We support our partners politically and at the same time condemn the practices of attempted domination by the USA,” said the university student.

“It is important to remember that this new impetus for multipolarism arises because, with some exceptions, the remaining countries outside the United States and its NATO partners have never had decision-making power in the global body,” he appreciated. .

“This is why the call for a new world order is important, as it aims to establish new rules to achieve better economic outcomes in security and other areas, and that the beneficiaries are not just a few, as was the case in the past “That’s what Foreign Minister Lavrov’s speech was about,” the Mexican academic told Sputnik.

Kanety believes that the struggle to establish a new multipolar order could take years and require a major concerted effort, but is an essential and valuable goal.

“It is true that there is Decline of the USA in the last 20 years as a world powerbut it still has a very important influence in organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and NATO itself,” noted the university student.

“However, the growth of countries such as China and Russia, as well as tools to counter Western influence such as the BRICS, suggest that the formation of a multipolar world is possible in which the countries of the Global South can have decision-making power in areas such as the Security Council and that work needs to be done to increase the prosperity of these countries,” he concluded.

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