Ukraine war Lavrov at the UN The world is at

Ukraine war, Lavrov at the UN: “The world is at a crossroads to avoid a major war.” Moscow: tanks with equipment destroyed

September 23rd – 10:01 p.m

Pope Francis: Don’t play with the martyrdom of Ukrainians

“This war is influenced not only by the Russian and Ukrainian problem, but also by the sale of weapons and the arms trade,” “the investments that bring the most income are the weapons factories, that is, the factories of death.” This said the Pope when he spoke about the war in Ukraine in the press conference for the Pope’s flight. “We must not play with the martyrdom of this people, we must help resolve things in the best possible way,” “in wars, the real is what is possible, not to have the illusion that the two warring leaders will have dinner together tomorrow “, “let’s do everything we can until we get there.” The Pope added: “Now I have seen that some countries are fading into the background that do not give up their weapons, a process is beginning in which the martyr will be the Ukrainian people. “This is certainly a bad thing.” To this Sentence Matteo Bruni, director of the Vatican press office, told reporters: “It is a paradoxical argument: when a country continues to give you weapons, you convince yourself that you can win, and then when they are taken away from you, you find yourself “again in trouble.”

September 23rd – 9:55 p.m

Lavrov: USA is directly at war with Russia

“The United States is directly at war with Russia,” said Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in response to a journalist’s question about the extent of US involvement in the war in Ukraine. “You can call it whatever you want, but they are directly at war with us. “We can call it a hybrid war, but that does not change the reality,” Lavrov said at a news conference in New York. “They are actually conducting hostilities with us and using the Ukrainians as fodder,” he added. The Russian Foreign Minister said that the United States, the United Kingdom and many other countries are “waging war” against Russia and are conducting hostilities against the country.

September 23rd – 9:01 p.m

Lavrov: EU buys wheat and sends it to Africa

“The European Commission could buy surplus wheat from Ukraine and send it to Africa.” This is the suggestion of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a press conference in New York after his speech to the UN General Assembly. The head of Russian diplomacy added that UN Secretary-General António Guterres is looking for “artificial ways to circumvent” sanctions against Russia in order to restore the grain agreement, but “understands that he cannot do anything.”

September 23rd – 7:03 p.m

Lavrov at the UN: The world is at a crossroads to avoid a major war

“Today, as so often in the past, humanity is once again at a crossroads. It depends only on us how the story will develop. It is in our common interest to avoid triggering a major war and the eventual collapse of international cooperation. “Mechanisms introduced by generations of our predecessors”: this is the warning issued by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the UN General Assembly.

September 23rd – 7:02 p.m

Moscow: A German-crewed tank destroyed

The Russian military destroyed a Leopard tank in Ukraine with an all-German crew. The commander of a reconnaissance group operating in the direction of Zaporizhzhia with the call sign Legend told Ria Novosti. “When we destroyed their leopard, we went towards the burned half. And we found that the driver of the tank was seriously injured and the others died. When the mechanic woke up and saw us, he started shouting “don’t shissen” (editor’s note),” said the group commander.

September 23rd – 7:02 p.m

Kyiv: Italy should impose more sanctions

“Italy has always been a constructive partner in the sanctions imposed against Russia, but there is room for improvement in the implementation of restrictive measures and the fight against evasion,” said Vladyslav Vlasiuk, sanctions adviser to the Office of the President of Ukraine, secretary of the International Working Group on Russian sanctions and deputy head of the Ukrainian task force, in an interview with ANSA. “We find – he claims – some peculiarities in your exports to Turkey and believe that more can be done in enforcing the regulations.”

September 23rd – 7:01 p.m

Media: Secret talks between London and Moscow during the conflict

British officials held talks with Kremlin officials about global security in the context of the ongoing war in Ukraine: the Chron and General Trust newspaper reported, citing a senior British diplomat. However, London is not conducting active peace negotiations for a diplomatic solution to the conflict, emphasized the diplomat, who took part in some of these talks. “We have maintained contact and believe it is important to maintain an open dialogue during the war in Ukraine,” he said. The meetings have taken place in various locations over the last 18 months, including Vienna and New York. Discussions focused primarily on security issues affecting both the UK and the international community, touching on topics such as grain shortages and nuclear safety. “We are in no way dividing parts of the country or making peace deals for anyone, but it is crucial to keep this line of contact open,” the diplomat added.