Maluma pushes away a fan who tried to forcibly kiss

Maluma pushes away a fan who tried to forcibly kiss him

During one of his concerts, Colombian singer Maluma found himself in an embarrassing situation when one of his enthusiastic supporters tried to forcibly kiss him. This incident apparently occurred in San Antonio, Texas, and was captured on video by some participants at the event, who did not hesitate to share the footage on social networks.

With an impressive follower base of over 63 million on his Instagram account, the celebrity is constantly under the scrutiny of his fans due to his immense fame. Sometimes this excessive attention causes some followers to cross the boundaries of respect.

The video, circulating on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram, shows the singer trying to move through the crowd when a blonde fan suddenly rushes at him, apparently to give him a kiss. The woman placed her hands on the “Felices los 4” actor’s neck. However, it is believed that the famous person immediately expressed her displeasure by removing the fan’s hands from his face and avoiding any closer approach.

In the middle of the situation, Maluma’s security team intervened and surrounded the singer as he continued to make gestures at the fan.

The moment sparked disagreement among online users. Some called Maluma arrogant for not allowing contact with the fan, while others defended him, arguing that the woman had invaded their space and deserved respect.

“That’s why I’m just a fan of God. He wouldn’t put me through this disgrace.” “Please stop the fanaticism; “They’re just normal people”, “The fact that he’s an artist doesn’t give her the right to want to kiss him”, “I don’t understand how some women can act like that or idolize these guys”, “How disrespectful.” .. He very politely said “No”, “Why do they stoop so low?” It’s not like he’s a god from Olympus”, and “Fans need to stop thinking artists are theirs”, it said.

So far, the famous person has not made any public statements regarding the controversy.