Donald Trump calls Rishi Sunak smart about easing climate targets

Donald Trump calls Rishi Sunak “smart” about easing climate targets – POLITICO Europe

LONDON – British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s easing of green policies has won the support of Donald Trump.

In a post on his Truth social media account late Saturday, the former US president congratulated Sunak on his announcement last week that he would scale back his green pledges.

Sunak has confirmed a major rollback of several key green measures in the UK, including easing the transition to electric vehicles and pushing back a date for a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030 to 2035. He also promised there would be more time Switching to heat pumps.

“I always knew that Sunak was smart and that he would not destroy and bankrupt his country because of false climate alarmists who have no idea,” Trump wrote.

Trump, who is leading the polls in the fight for the Republican Party’s 2024 presidential nomination, said the U.S. “is merrily rolling along, spending trillions of dollars doing what can’t be done while breathing in the dirty.” Completely untreated air floats over our once great country from China, India, Russia and parts unknown.

Sunak argued last week that continuing with current climate policy risks “losing the consent of the British people – and the resulting backlash will be directed not just against specific policies but against the wider mission itself, which means we “We may never reach our target.” But Sunak insists he remains committed to reaching net zero by 2050.

Trump added: “Congratulations to Prime Minister Sunak for catching this fraud before it was too late!”