1695543270 Migrants All this will destroy us Word of the left

“Migrants? All this will destroy us.” Word of the left wing mayor Nicola Porro

New York mayor

“Let me tell you something, New Yorkers: I’ve never had a problem in my life that I didn’t ultimately see a solution to. But I can’t imagine the end of this: This problem will destroy New York. We are about to lose the city we knew.” This is how the appeal begins Eric Adams, Democratic Mayor of New York. Very strong statements, in contrast to the politics of unconditional hospitality preached by the American left. “Every month, 10,000 migrants from around the world arrive in the city” and since Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbot “began exploiting the desperation of thousands of asylum seekers” and sending them to New York, 110,000 people have arrived.
“We have to feed them, clothe them, give them a home, educate the children, wash their bedding and give them everything they need,” Adams said. “New Yorkers’ compassion may be limitless, but our resources are not,” the mayor continued. Finally, the swipe at the federal government and the Biden administration: “We are not receiving any support for this national crisis.”

Applause for his statements, which photograph a reality that has affinities to the very difficult Migration crisis that runs our government came from many members of the Republican Party who have always been critical of Joe Biden because of his immigration policies, which are diametrically opposed to those of his predecessor Donald Trump (you will remember the strengthening of the famous “wall” between them). the States and Mexico or the Muslim Ban, which barred entry into the United States to citizens of thirteen Muslim-majority states, all in Africa or Asia, that were considered “enemies” of the United States.

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Mayor Adams did not remain idle: with more than 60,000 migrants entrusted to the city’s care, decided to limit the admission of adult migrants without family to two months, repealing an old New York law that required the city to provide indiscriminate assistance and shelter to anyone who needed it for as long as necessary. We will see if this policy will have any impact in containing a situation that is now collapsing.

However, despite, as highlighted above, the support of many members of the GOP, including Mike Pence, candidate in the Republican primaries and historic deputy of Trump, from whom he broke away after the attack on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, also mayor Adams faced severe criticism. From members of his own party (whom Oriana Fallaci would call “cicadas” today if he were still with us), but also from immigrant defense groups who accused him of racism and admonished him as he did Murad Awawdeh (Director of the New York Immigration Coalition), as the words used by Adams could lead to: “Episodes of violence against immigrants“. Words that clash with the political history and career of Adams, who is only the second African-American mayor of New York and has consistently fought against incidents of racism during his work as a police officer, even before he became mayor.

LC, September 24, 2023

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