Elga Enardu and the photo with the suitcases Broken bones.webp

Elga Enardu and the photo with the suitcases: “Broken bones and a broken heart”. Marriage in crisis? L’Unione ​​​​L’Unione

Crisis between Elga Enardu and Diego Daddi?

The couple, formed years ago as part of the “Men and Women” program (they began dating outside of college), seem to be facing a difficult time. She is the one who posted stories on Instagram that caused strong doubts among her followers.

Last night the two attended a wedding, this morning Elga (47 years old, originally from Quartu Sant’Elena) dropped the first bombshell: a short video in which she says she is “slightly upset but strong” with Giulio and Toy returned home (his two dogs): “My only family”. The tone borders on tears and even in the eyes there is a veil of sadness. Shortly afterwards, a photo appears showing two suitcases: “I’m leaving here with broken bones and a broken heart,” the caption says. And another story: “I promise myself, my family, who love me endlessly, and all of you, never to give up, in you and in my strength I will find the courage not to give in to despair and melancholy forever.” a second . Because when faced with pain, you have the choice to let go (pleasant) or react (strong).

The story on Instagram

Is it possible that everything changed overnight?

No comment from Daddi.

Her twin sister Serena Enardu has also published some stories that refer to Elga, her strength, her independence and invite everyone not to dwell on the details of this delicate moment.

Elga and Diego got married in 2017. She has been struggling with some health issues recently.


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