The urban artist Yailin The Most Viral He surprised his followers this Sunday by launching the bachata entitled “Mía”, dedicated to his little daughter Cattleyaalong with a moving video starring both of them.
The audiovisual video, which has been viewed thousands of times, shows intimate moments of his private life, including the greeting Cattleya for the world as it looks today.
It’s the first time that Yailin do one Music video where she shows her daughter, the result of her relationship with the singer Anuel AA.
One of the highlights is when you see Yailin in the hospital, in the maternity gown and looking forward to the reception Cattleya to the world. The camera captured his expression of joy and anticipation.
“I feel like you’re only mine, mine, mine; just me, me. There is no one else I love as much as you. Pretty on the outside, pretty on the inside, you’re just like me,” says part of the new Bachata “Mía.”
The video also shows the fatherly side as his partner Tekashi 69 appears to be sharing moments with him Cattleya and he is even seen helping to decorate the room for the audio-visual presentation of the new theme YailinPlace bears on the walls and white balloons.