Domenica In Andrea Piazzolla on the Lollobrigida case Chiambrettis pain

Domenica In, Andrea Piazzolla on the Lollobrigida case, Chiambretti’s pain

The second episode of Sunday Inunder the direction of Mara Venier Sunday September 24th on Rai 1 and full of exceptional guests including Andrea Piazzollaformer assistant of Gina Lollobrigida accused of circumventing an incompetent person and awaiting trial scheduled for October 5; and again the manager Adriano Aragozzini, Alessandra Mussolini and the journalist Except Sottile. As far as entertainment is concerned, the hostess relies on the actress’s presence Brigitte Nielsen and from Piero Chiambretti. At the end, Pino Teach And Francesca Fagnani present their upcoming programs, Il Mercante in Fiera, starting Monday September 25th at 7:55 p.m. on Rai 2, and Belve, broadcast on Rai 2 from September 26th.

The recap of the Domenica In episode from September 24th

Andrea Piazzolla He is the first guest and is ready to tell his story, together with Alessandra Mussolini, Adriano Aragozzini and Salvo Sottile in the studio, while the film producer from Milan is connected Tiziana Rocca. The speaker is Gina Lollobrigida’s former assistant – almost a son of the diva – who tries to clarify his position regarding theaccuses the actress of manipulating her in order to steal the 10 million euros from her who currently seem to have vanished into thin air: “I am really proud that a woman like Lollobrigida gave me her friendship. It is thanks to her that I am here on Domenica In. The prosecutor is just doing his job. I don’t.” I don’t agree, but I respect him. I believe that Gina was the most damaged person in this story. Gina protected me from all of this, she was legendary. The problem is that people share bad information. Her character was so strong that she wouldn’t let anyone tell her what to do or not to do. One was made in 2017 expertisefalse in our opinion, based on a story told by a particular party without even listening to Gina’s version. We believe there was a strong bias on the part of the experts in all this. Even if there are empty boxes in Lollobrigida’s house, I am always responsible, but what about the evidence?” Let’s remember that the man takes risks 7 years and 6 months imprisonmenta request from the Prime Minister that the guest considers absurd.

Interest shifts to the question of the jewels that have disappeared from her house. There is chaos in the studio because a verbal argument breaks out, the focus of which is Alessandra Mussolini and which leads to Mara Venier having to intervene several times to smooth the situation over. The debate is based on several questions: “Has a crime been committed? Where are the 10 million euros?“, to which the suspect responds as follows: “Gina has always had a high standard of living. The problem of liabilities is normal because When she died, everyone started writing off important bills, something I didn’t like because it was disrespectful. He didn’t have to pay the bill, it was a mistake, but it wasn’t disputed, and the gardener was only paid when it was necessary money: “How much does it cost to maintain the villa?” For IMU alone the figures are exorbitant, around 200,000 euros per year. We are talking about 20,000 m2 of garden and 1000 m2 of house. Then birthday parties and those organized at home for friends, outings… Let’s say 10 years of maintenance is already 2 millionSpending for the last 10 birthdays is another million. One lawyer even demanded 1 million euros for just one fee.”

During the live broadcast, the complicated relationship with the Son Andrea Milko Skoficwhich worsened many years before the defendant’s arrival: “He never found the time to apologize for taking action against me, There was someone who had an interest in pitting us against each other“, explained the late actress in an interview with Mara Venier in which she seemed boring, probably due to the humiliation of the psychiatric reports and the court’s decision to support her with a maintenance trustee.

Afterward Mara explodes against Mussolini, which comments on the presence of a circus on Lollobrigida’s birthday. “But she earned the money and spends it however she wants! Nobody gave it to her.” A woman has the freedom to do whatever she wants at any age! Why do you think that at 90 I have trouble finding a cute guy who makes me feel good? But please!“. The guest explains his point of view better: “Suppose, on the other hand, there is a fragile person who needs affection, and a man inserts himself into the family in order to undermine his fortune, this is a crime, because it is means.” he abuses the fragility of this person!” The debate in the studio continues, but the moderator intervenes: “Why is no one surprised when a 90-year-old leaves money to a 30-year-old? Would you like to explain it to me?” Does the landlady mean a specific couple? My thoughts revolve around the relationship between them Silvio Berlusconi and Marta Fascina, to whom the former Prime Minister, who died at the age of 86, left an inheritance of 100 million euros. “Thank you very much, Gina, for your friendship and your advice and for everything you have given us,” is how Venier concludes the first block

Brigitte Nielsen between Italy, love and Pippo Baudo

Enter the living room of Domenica In the actress Brigitte Nielsen. “My first love is Italy, I have this country in my heart. What I missed most was the warmth of this place. I am the mother of a beautiful 5 year old girl, Frida. She looks like my husband Mattia and I’m happy.” In addition, she is the only daughter with dark hair and I have always dreamed of a little Snow White. The journey was very long, The doctor had told us a very low success rate, but Frida is here today. I almost had it 55 years old When she was born she was one High risk pregnancy: I went for checkups every week. However, I had the easiest pregnancy with Frida Husband Mattia – he says – they have been married for about 20 years and are still in love: “In 2004 everyone said that 15 years difference between us was too much. Now they are divorced and we are celebrating 20 years of marriage and are still together! We met in a hotel in Lugano, a very difficult moment for me because I drank too much and was getting divorced. A friend wanted to introduce me to Mattia and when I saw him I immediately thought: ‘My goodness, how handsome this guy is!’. But he was only 5 years older than my oldest son. I didn’t show up to three dates he organized and ended up asking him out. I knew it, I followed my heart and it worked. It’s not age, it’s a serenity, a fun, a love that comes when something special is triggered. The only thing that gives me joy, even on difficult days, are my children.” After Pippo Baudo’s video message, in which he states that the actress has won over everyone in America with her sympathy, Brigitte speaks of her family: “Me ” I’m proud of her. Today I feel like an almost perfect mother. I have experienced many ups and downs in my life and I haven’t always been able to be a good motherbut I always tried I maintain open communication with my children, that affection and dialogue that the bond between mother and child always needs, even on the most difficult days. We all fall in life, but we must hold on to those who are ready to help us, get up and then go to find a sincere smile again.”

Chiambretti tells his story

It’s time to Piero Chiambretti, arrived at the studio with a rose for Mara Venier. We start with the career of the presenter: “I have the privilege, the luck, with the difference that everywhere I went I tried to bring my style into a system that is changing network after network: I always have something different suggested based on the editorial line. That’s what I’ve always done. “Worked like crazy for 8 hours a day.” Small moment of embarrassment in the studio when Chiambretti tells Mara that it looks like Botticelli’s Primavera, partly because of the triumphant colors of the clothes she’s wearing, partly because of her Beauty. Venier sees him in turmoil, as if suddenly “cheered up,” and he replies, “It’s about learning, and then I like you too“.

Chiambretti tells of a sad and painful event in his life Death of his mother Felicitawhich occurred in 2020 due to the Covid, right during the first wave. “When we talk about my mother, I like to talk about her because it makes me feel like she is here. It is tiring to tell our story because we were mother and son, brothers and friends. The age difference between us was minimal.” . I understood the quality of the woman when I discovered that she had no husband and acted as mother and father to me, making me responsible from the age of seven and saying, “You are the head of the family,” which she did She was doing very well. Then Covid came and we both got sick and were hospitalized. They told her she was fine and would go home the next day. When she saw me there, she thought I had come to pick her up, but I was allowed to record me and couldn’t tell her because her room was far away and there was chaos at that time. She died within 5 daysbut a few hours before she died they brought her to my room: I fell asleep and woke up to the doctor declaring him dead. I got up, looked at her and went back to sleep while the doctors took her back to her room. I was woken up at 4am for blood tests, I don’t know what happened but after 15 minutes the nurse came back and told me I was cured. My mother gave me life twice“.

Fagnani between life and programs

Francesca Fagnani presents the new edition of Belve: “Belve is the time of imperfection and that is why in the program they feel free to show their worst side. Ferrero put the publication in his shirt, closed it and left… Then we made peace… At the beginning some were taken aback, now they know what to expect and are somewhere between happy and resigned.” On Mara Venier’s question Marriage to Enrico MentanaFagnani doesn’t really know what to say, but when the presenter asks her whether it would be better to spend the weekend with her beloved dogs or with Mentana, she answers: “Dogs talk less“.

The journalist’s mother is also no longer there and the guest explains what hurts her most about the loss: “I regret the lack of recognition on my part when he was alive. I often talk about giving back to her what I didn’t give her before. I was the only segregated child in school and I felt ashamed. When my mother got sick, he came home to love her and she just wanted to see him. It was absolute love and I experienced the most beautiful and highest form of love. I think I inherited it from her reactive capacity, he knew how to react. The absence makes me uneasy because no one will love you and care for you like a mother and that makes you feel lonelier in the world. Then I think that a parent never really leaves us alone, I find that in everything. I can’t stand injustice, suffering it is terrible and makes me feel guilty, but I’ve learned to bear it less.” The journalist reveals that she prepares the questions she wants to ask Belve’s guests in advance : “I work 7 days a week and I actually brought the computer into the locker room. I first write down the questions, even if the interview partner then gives me the input for the second question with his answer. But yes, I’m following a path that’s already marked out.”