Moscow “attacked the Odessa region with offensive drones and two types of missiles,” the region’s governor, Oleg Kiper, said on Telegram on Monday, September 25, mentioning several “attacks,” including the attack on “port infrastructure “. Kiev said 19 drones, all destroyed, and 14 missiles, 11 of which were fired, were targeted at this region in southern Ukraine, which is regularly attacked by Russia. A woman was injured. Follow our live stream.
A second Ukrainian wheat cargo ship in Istanbul. The Aroyat, a Palau-flagged bulk carrier, left Chornomorsk near Odessa on Friday. It is the second ship to use a maritime corridor established by Kiev along the western coast of the Black Sea to bypass Russia’s blockade.
A Ukrainian drone attacks an administrative building in the Russian city of Kursk. “The roof was slightly damaged. Emergency service personnel are on site,” the regional governor said on Telegram on Sunday. Last month, a Ukrainian drone caused significant damage to the Kursk train station, injuring five people.
Russia accuses the West of “fighting it directly.” The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov spoke at the United Nations on Saturday in particular about financial aid, armaments and “mercenaries” from Western countries, at a time when Kiev claims to have killed Russian military leaders on the strategic Crimean peninsula.