Cattelan Belen like Lukaku Then he reveals worrying background information

Cattelan: “Belen like Lukaku”. Then he reveals (worrying) background information about his health

The about-face of Belen towards Alessandro Cattelan continues to make headlines. If in recent days the (later confirmed) indiscretion about the Argentine’s sudden unavailability to appear as a guest in the first season episode of the late show of Rai 2 had spread (apparently because she planned to speak in the episode). Living room on Sunday In), now it is the program host itself that provides some interesting backstory about the surprising move of Stefano De Martino’s ex, who initially accepted his invitation but then it fell on deaf ears, – in his opinion – disappears into thin air.

Alessandro Cattelan and Belens No.: Background

Guest of Caterina Balivo in the living room ofThe right timeOn Rai 2 today, Cattelan clarified the “Belen case” and gave some background information about the showgirl’s non-participation in his interview program. According to his story, this was the case practically everything done To bring Belen to the Stasera C’è Cattelan, so much so that the two had already agreed on a live singing performance, but in the end – according to Alessandro’s version – Rodriguez would have vanished into thin air:

“Yes, Belen should come, we all agreed, we had spoken some time ago, she told me: ‘Then we’ll sing a song, we’ll have fun…’ And then she never answered the phone… That’s what she did “Like Lukaku “, he said. said the Rai 2 presenter, who joked with Balivo by comparing the showgirl’s behavior to that of the footballer LukakuProtagonist of the last transfer market with several back and forths, doubts and disappearances during the negotiations first with Inter and then with Juve.

“Belen isn’t feeling well.”

After joking about the loss of Belen Rodriguez with a smile on his lips, Cattelan then got serious and revealed a further backgrounds At the moment the South American showgirl is experiencing what has been monopolizing the pages of gossip magazines and social trends with her in recent months Separation encore by Stefano De Martinofollowed by the new (and much discussed) love story with Elio Lorenzoni. According to the 43-year-old presenter from Tortona, the difficult moment that the presenter from Buenos Aires is currently going through may also have weighed on the last minute cancellation: “She doesn’t seem to be doing very well, so we hope that she is “gets better…” concluded Cattelan, who finally revealed to Balivo in an interview that Belen’s absence will have no impact on the quality of the game first episode of his showbecause the line-up for tomorrow’s event remains full of illustrious guests:

“We didn’t make any substitutions…We already had a pretty full lineup, so Annalisa, Tedua and Cecilia Sala are still there…”