1695694004 Army Major reveals bitter truth about Ukraine at

Army Major reveals bitter truth about Ukraine at

main Rentenberger explains in ORF how Ukraine managed to literally decapitate the Russian Black Sea Fleet and talks about it “the next line”.

main Albin Rentenberger of the Austrian Armed Forces provided a current assessment of the situation in the war in Ukraine on Monday, following the devastating Ukrainian attack on the headquarters of the Russian Black Sea Fleet – Operation “Crab Trap”.

In the ORF program “Aktuell nach eins”, the official explained how Kiev did it Beheading attack in Sevastopol in which the fleet commander, Admiral Viktor Sokolow, was also reportedly killed.

Putin’s Black Sea Fleet Commander Killed

“As in the past, Ukraine is the first with drones Saturated air defense shield and then managed to hit the headquarters in Sevastopol with long-range cruise missiles – presumably these were SCALP or ‘Storm Shadow’ systems,” says Rentenberger, explaining the procedure.

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But why were the fleet officers ashore attacked? Rentenberger continued: “It takes yearstrain leadership cadres, train officers and that can quite painful “It will be difficult for the Russian military if they really lose their army leaders here.”

Ukraine also attacks its own ships. A few days earlier, there had been a rocket attack on a dry dock, also in Sevastopol, in which the nuclear submarine “Rostov-on-Don” and the landing ship “Minsk” were seriously damaged. Photos (see photo gallery below) show holes in the ship’s outer shell and superstructure burned to the deck:

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“It’s about that, not just that Effectors how to destroy ships, but you also look for other High-value goals“, as we call it, as managers”, emphasizes the military specialist in the ORF lecture.

Advance on the Southern Front?

On the front itself, however, progress is slow for Kiev. But, much to the chagrin of the Russians, things are moving forward.

At the Zaporizhzhya Oblast the Ukrainians managed to bypass the city Robotino drive a wedge into Russian defenses. Geolocated videos show Ukrainian soldiers and the first armored vehicles on the other side of Putin’s dragon’s teeth. Is this a “significant advance” like that reported in Kiev?

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The Army major emphasizes that these remote diagnoses are very difficult: “What can be said is that here constant gain of ground “But the bitter truth is: every advance on the front carries an enormous risk and poses a great danger to the mobilized troops. The Russians would immediately respond to every advance of the Ukrainians with returning fire or with their own offensive. “This means that we are a little late. and four.”

Presumed status report in the Robotyne region on September 24, 2023.Situation report adopted in the region around Robotyne on September 24, 2023.Institute for the Study of War (ISW)

“It’s basically the next line.”

For what Vladimir Putin’s invading army If it is not possible to close this emerging “pocket”, a massive mobilization on the Ukrainian side will be necessary: ​​”We also need to have sufficient forces to, first of all, expand and further exploit this success, this recession, in order to be able to advance further to the south.”

Putin’s ultimatum is about to expire – so it remains

The leadership of the Ukrainian army obviously expects more successes, as Rentenberger concludes: “What we were able to observe this weekend is heavy artillery attacks on Tokmak. This is basically the next line. And this is already an indicator that… Optimistic Ukraine is that a breakthrough will be achieved here.”

Also from a military economist Marcus Keupp Ukraine is expected – “once Ukraine has expanded and secured the Robotyne pocket” – to add artillery systems: “So it is Tokmak within firing range and Russian logistics moving there could be disrupted”, Keupp further predicts. This would be a terror scenario for Vladimir Putin’s invasion troops: “So the southern front is lost”said the German.

“Southern Front lost” – surprising prediction from Ukraine

Why Tokmak is so important

Tokmak came under Moscow’s control at the start of the Russian invasion and is important Railway node. Capturing the city would allow the Ukrainian army to advance further towards annexed Crimea and seriously disrupt Russian supply routes. From Tokmak, the entire length of the occupied land link to the long-Russian-occupied Crimean peninsula, including the M14 highway and the city of Melitopol, is within range of HIMARS rocket launchers.

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