Kickl defends Russia and defends Ukraines neutrality

Kickl defends Russia and defends Ukraine’s neutrality

Instead, Kickl called for “recognizing that peace policy is Realpolitik” – and trying to “find a solution that allows Russia to emerge from this conflict with some degree of protection”. One approach would be Ukraine’s neutrality – and the surrender of Crimea. Because: “Do you really think the Russians are going to give up Crimea?”

According to Kickl, there is no close relationship between the FPÖ and Russia and Vladimir Putin: “I’m not on Russia’s side here, I firmly reject that,” Kickl said – and answered the question whether the FPÖ has ever received money from Russia. He explained the “friendship treaty” with Putin’s United Russia party as a declaration of intent with no legal consequences, really just “a dead piece of paper”.