1695748833 Windows 11 23H2 is available voice comment from the installer

Windows 11 23H2 is available, voice comment from the installer from outside – 01net

Microsoft officially debuts its deployment on Windows 11 23H2. This new version arrives in a progressive manner with all users. You can force the installation without having to attend.

If you have a small Windows operating system, it is available, Microsoft proceeds with the management and realizes a progressive deployment. When the exploitation system is tested during the name of the insider, Microsoft can assure you that the system is not exposed to major problems such as the users and the total deployment. This is the reason for the source Microsoft does not distribute the mises à jour majeures de Windows que par vague. The Redmond company has started to propose Windows 11 23H2 and users have a recent machine, but the configuration is not connected to pose a problem with compatibility.

A first vague deployment termination, Microsoft initiates other vague deployment operations, on the machines and more ancient ones. The Redmond company has an effect along with the verifications of routine for certain problems with import that cannot be repaired by the users. Without the two cranes being lifted up, the company will schedule the deployment of the machine on a daily basis 23H2 apart from all the users who have a compatible machine. If this method of procedure can be used again and again, this is not the case but: ensures the good stability of the mise à jour, the source of which is the material configuration. This can be done in an effective way on the computer to correct an eventual rapid change in the use of the large name of the utilisators, which is retrouve in the breading, causing a potential bug that is not detected until it is present.

Also available: Windows 11: discover the new best features in the Prochaine mise à jour 23H2

Ainsi, the deployment of Windows 11 23H2 debuted on March 26, 2023, and continued to progress over several weeks. On the computer of October 10th, the company from Redmond opened the vannes en grand, proposed the same day to the users, and met in line with the ISO installation of the OS in this version.

If you have absolutely your PC today with Windows 11 2 without attending to Microsoft, you will not propose the mise à jour courant October, but that is not the case. If you have an effect, you can force the installation of this mise à jour assez facilement. On Windows, Microsoft proposes an effective option that, once activated, you will be able to keep track of your machine that has a cell phone that is available. Voici comment l’installer dès aujourd’hui.

1. View the Windows parameters

Commencez par ouvrir les Windows parameters. Pour ce faire, use raccourci clavier Windows + i. You can also access the Windows 11 parameters in one click on the Démarrer menuPuis en choissant Parameters.

Windows 11 parameters© 01net.com

2. Activez l’option pour recevoir les mises à jour dès leur disponibilité

One fois les parameters de Windows ouverts, sélectionnez Windows Update in the colonne de gauche. In the window that looks like it, you can choose an option Recevez les dernières mises à jour dès qu’elles sont disponibles. C’est this option qu’il faut activer For your machine to recover the mise à jour 23H2 dès sa mise en ligne, without avoir à attendre that Microsoft finalize son deploiement dans le courant du mois d’October.

Windows 11 Recevoir Mises à Jour En Avance© 01net.com

3. Meet your PC today

Maintenant that this option is activated, you can get to your PC. Pour cella, visit the menu Windows Updatecliquez sur Researcher of the mises à jour.

Your machine will be used to interrogate the Microsoft servers for you to propose the télécharger and installer the current version 23H2 of Windows 11.