Up to 190 kmh Hurricane Agnes heads towards Western Europe.497

Up to 190 km/h: Hurricane Agnes heads towards Western Europe oe24 GmbH

Maximum speeds of up to 190 km/h over sea. Hurricane Agnes, known as Kilian in German-speaking countries, is currently forming over the Atlantic. There are likely to be severe restrictions, especially in Ireland, as the storm comes from the southwest and will hit the island’s rugged coastline. As “The Weather Channel” reports, you should expect hurricane gusts of up to 75 mph on land and up to 90 mph near the coast.

On Wednesday morning, Agnes reaches the coast of Ireland and then heads towards Wales, northern England and Scotland. Isolated hurricane gusts of up to 120 km/h may also occur in Great Britain.

Storm rarely comes alone

As has often been noted in the past, storms and hurricanes often do not occur alone. There are often three systems that hit the same region one after the other. According to “The Weather Channel”, this case occurs when, on the one hand, the jet remains almost stationary and, on the other hand, periodic elevations occur at the same time, conditions that currently exist over the North Atlantic.

In Ireland and Britain there will likely be isolated traffic chaos and devastation. However, damage is likely to be less severe than during the last major hurricane Zeynep in February 2022. Although Agnes’s peak winds can reach up to 190 km/h over the water, they are significantly slowed down on land due to the friction.

Different Storm Names

Britain’s National Weather Service only names major storms and names them alphabetically. As the new storm season begins in the fall, the first hurricane at this time is given the initial letter A – in this case, Agnes.