1695832466 At 170 kmh in the 70 kmh zone with his

At 170 km/h in the 70 km/h zone with his grandmother’s Porsche: He wants to deny his guilt

A boy Montrealer who launched a high-speed chase while driving his grandmother’s shiny Porsche at 170 km/h without a valid driver’s license is now considering denying his guilt.

“He could file his application soon,” announced Crown attorney Khalid Alguima this Wednesday at the Montreal courthouse.

In front of Judge Geneviève Graton, 22-year-old Dario Banchino did not say a word, instead leaving the floor to a lawyer who could possibly represent him in connection with his dangerous driving behavior in April 2020.

At that time, the defendant’s driving license was revoked due to a sanctioned driver’s license. However, that didn’t stop him from getting behind the wheel of his grandmother’s luxury car. He then went crazy driving on Highway 520, reaching a speed of 170 km/h, while the speed limit in that area is 70 km/h.

Dario Banchino

His grandmother’s white Porsche was towed in Laval in 2019 after Dario Banchino was arrested for driving at 100 mph. Archive photo

Not a premiere

Police officers from the Sûreté du Québec tried to intercept him, but Banchino had accelerated so much that the patrol officers could no longer catch up with him.

“Despite the blue lights and siren, he continued to accelerate,” it was said at the time.

However, Banchino was arrested after he slightly lost control after exiting the highway.

And after he was handcuffed, Banchino told officers it wasn’t the first time he’d been caught this way: A year earlier, he’d been pulled over at 100 miles per hour in Laval while his license was suspended be.

His grandmother’s Porsche had been towed to the impound lot.

In addition to being fined $1,908 and given 24 penalty points for his driving, Banchino was also charged with dangerous driving. But instead of going to court, the young driver finally confessed everything.

But it could all start again as he now plans to seek a trial.

He will return to court in November for further proceedings.

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